Vocabulary Words (set 6) Drug abuse prevention Terms
1. Absorption Process by which drugs enter the bloodstream.
2. Addiction Physical and/or psychological dependence on a drug.
3. Dependence Repeated abuse of a drug/ tobacco/ alcohol, in which the body relies on the effect produced by the drug.
4. Drug A chemical substance that has a direct effect on the body.
5. Gateway Drug A drug that leads to the use of other drugs.
6. Hallucination A sensory experience that does not relate to reality.
7. Nicotine The chief addictive ingredient in tobacco.
8. Steroids Synthetic-drugs that are used to stimulate muscle growth.
9. Tolerance The body's adjustment to the effects of a drug; results in the need for increased dosage to achieve the same effects.
10. Withdrawal Symptoms that occur when users dependent on a drug stop taking it.