Teachers TAs and Pupils Slide 1 •Intro my self •I am here today to say how I feel and talk about my experiences of how TAs and teachers help me in my classes Pupils perspective Of learning
School for me from 7 to 9 Slide 2 •This represents how I felt at the beginning when I first started at Sawston to the present day with talking to teachers and TAs openly. •As you can see my confidence has grown over the three years
School for me from 7 to 9 I was not as confidant as I am today. Year7 In year 7 I was not as confident as I am today because when I was at primary school, I had only one teacher and one TA who knew my difficulties and I felt confident with them. However, at Sawston I had lots of different teachers and TAs, I felt they did not know me or about my difficulties and how to help me. They consist of: Struggle to read certain fonts. Struggle writing Struggle to get ideas down and then write in the time amount given. Struggled with spellings - Explain Organizing my class work
School for me from 7 to 9 Year 8 Slide 4 Year 8 changed for the better because I felt TAs and Teachers knew my needs and took a personal interest in me. This began to help me gain more confidence, I already had joined SYDs and took an interest in Cinema Club. This was like an outlet for me because I found written work in class really hard.
Year 9 Slide 5 Very happy and confident now because I have very good relationships with my Teachers and TAs. Year 9 work I feel is more creative – you can do your own thing. For example, creative Gothic Writing. Whereas in years 7/8 there was a lot of work sheets. Outside class: Acted in Drama productions. Arts forum – Dance , Drama and Visual Art. Cinema Club I am comfortable in my classes School for me from 7 to 9
Balance in class What works well with having TAs with me in class is invaluable. Having a scribe really helps me to get words and thoughts down as quick as I can say them. Without a scribe I would not be able to get my ideas down because: Paranoid about with spelling things wrong. Takes away my focus. Impossible for me to get my thoughts at the same time as everyone else. Mind maps work really well for me. The impact of this enables me to enjoy learning. I have developed strategies which work for me . I feel I have to work twice as hard as anyone else….. My learning style is kinaesthetic…… explain …. example
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