Brands that have used our services
Smartphones 64% of 25-35 year olds own a smartphone 97% of adults 18-44 own a mobile device Source: Nielsen 2012 1 in 4 mobile subscribers over the age of 55 own a smartphone Average Open Rate on Email Campaigns is less than 22% Mobile Open Rates are 97% Overall Source: 90 Time it takes the average person To respond to a text message: 90 SECONDS. Source: Portio Research minutes Time it takes the average person to respond to an email. Source:
Text Messages direct to Mobile Websites SMS Marketing Tools Text Messages direct to Mobile Websites SMS marketing & Mobile coupons An App for Every customer Complete with a custom App Icon QR Codes direct to mobile website Or video Plus Social Media Management
Monetize Mobile Loyalty: Target Customers New Customer Acquisition Growth of Customer Base Mobilize Traditional Media Target Customers Increase frequency of transactions 3-5 extra visits annually per customer Awareness about events/new offerings Growth of social media
Scaled up Program: (Example of Return-on-Investment on a small scale) 1 location can build 3,000-5,000 people in their database over their first year! 3 promotions per month = 12,000 direct offers 1,000 Customers built up in database 3% or Higher Redemption Rate on Promotion or Coupon pushed to 1,000 opt-ins Average Transaction Industry ranges between 2-7% redemptions on Mobile offers and coupons Quantifiable Return on this direct media! Investment to deliver 1000 coupons/messages to Database? $29 ROI on 30 extra transactions? 3% Overall Conversions = 360 additional transactions per month X $12 = $4,320 Increased Monthly Revenue $50,000+ Annually per location
Tom Wheatley Phone: 561.358.7005 Email: Text techsavvy561 to 63975 To see my Virtual Kiosk directly on your phone. By texting techsavvy561 to the 63975 you agree to receive SMS updates for Tech Savvy 561, Inc. Up to 3 messages per month, consent not required for purchase. Standard text and data rates may apply. Reply HELP for help or STOP to cancel.