Table 8. Income and expenditure of CFUGs in Nepal Region No. of CFUGs Total income in Nepali rupees Total expenditure Middle Hil 9353(73.5%) 85112000(47.8%) 43407000(35.9%) High Mountain 2456(19.3%) 10070000(5.7% 4532000(3.7%) Terai/Inner Terai 916(7.2%) 82898000(46.5%) 72950000(60.3% Total 12725 178080000 120889000 Source: Kanel & Kandel 2004, Journal of Forest and Livelihood, Nepal. Bhattarai Binod et al. Community Forest and Forest Management in Nepal. American Journal of Environmental Protection, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 3, 79-91. doi:10.12691/env-4-3-3 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.