Email - Computer Networks Hitesh Tewari Room - F.38 ORI Tel - 608 2896 Email -
Course Details Course duration Examination 9 weeks 3 hrs of lectures/week Tuesday 7-10pm in M21 Examination June Exam counts for 80% of marks Exam paper consists of 2 sections Required to attempt at least 2 questions from each section and the third from either Coursework comprises of 20% of marks
Course Outline Introduction Physical Layer Data Link Layer Computer Networks Standards Bodies OSI Reference Model Peer-to-Peer Communications Physical Layer Encoding Schemes RS-232 Interface Modems Circuit and Packet Switching ADSL Data Link Layer Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission Character and Bit Oriented Framing Flow Control Error Control SLIP & PPP
Course Outline Local Area Network Protocols High Speed Networks Transmission Techniques Network Topologies The IEEE 802 Standard Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) Token Ring (IEEE 802.5) High Speed Networks The Need for High Speed LANs Fast Ethernet (IEEE 802.3u) VG-anyLAN (IEEE 802.12) LAN Switching FDDI Security Issues Classical Cryptography Symmetric Key Cryptography Asymmetric Key Cryptography Digital Signatures X.509 Certificates Electronic Payment Systems
Course Outline The Internet Suite of Protocols Broadband Issues Internet Protocol (IP) ARP and RARP Routing Issues Addressing & Subnets User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) IPv6 Broadband Issues ISDN B-ISDN ATM
Text Books Computer Networks, 3rd Ed., Andrew Tanenbaum, Prentice Hall Data Communications, Computer Networks & Open Systems, 4th Ed., Fred Halsall, Addison Wesley Data & Computer Communications, 5th Ed., William Stallings, Prentice Hall Electronic Payment Systems, 2nd Ed., Donal O’Mahony et al., Artech House Interworking with TCP/IP, Vol 1; Principles, Protocols and Architecture, 3rd Ed., Douglas E. Comer, Prentice Hall