Request Management System Update Contact: Russell Quattlebaum or Don Martin or (501) 614-3520 or (501) 614-3309
RMS We have been using the Request Management System (RMS) since October 2012 System has been updated and changed as we learned best practices, and at user suggestion (e.g., allow notes to closed Requests, close upon confirmation of Submitter, reduced number of e-mail notifications viewed as repetitive) Submitters may close their own Requests
RMS - Enhancement
RMS – Close (First Click)
RMS – Close (Tasks Incomplete)
RMS – Close (Successful)
Thank you for your use and support of the RMS! RMS - Conclusion All other functionality remains the same Requests may still be closed by SPP staff if you add a note saying your Request is complete. You may always submit feedback and suggestions for continuous improvement through the RMS survey Thank you for your use and support of the RMS!