Welcome Class of 2022! “Enter to Learn…Leave to Achieve...”
Tomorrow’s Success Depends Upon Today’s Choices... It’s Up To YOU! Military College Career Trade school
Tips for Success at Linden High School Show up and be PRESENT and ENGAGED! If you don’t know…ASK! Step out of your comfort zone! Keep all of your OPTIONS OPEN! Believe in yourself and don’t be surprised when others believe in you too! Don’t settle! Do your best - get what you want!
Career Center Programs… Laptop Lending Library Tutoring program – Success Shop On-line classes through Community College Assistance finding a job General career counseling
What are Your Plans After High School? College Trade or Technical School Military Employment
The Different College Systems…. California Community College (CCC) The Different College Systems… *California Community College (CCC) *California State University (CSU) *University of California (UC) *Independent/Private (AICCU) *Trade or Technical School
Admission Requirements…CCC Open admissions - anyone interested in attending is accepted Must apply on-line and take the assessment Good place to start if student is not focused...
Admission Requirements 4-Year CSU or UC 4 years English, 3 years math (Int. 1 or 1A/1B, Int. 2, Int. 3), 2 years language other than English, 2 years science with lab (physical and life science), 2 years social science,1 year visual/performing art SAT or ACT NO D’s or F’s!
Admission to Private Colleges… Varies greatly between the colleges Many highly competitive schools Several very “forgiving” schools Incredible financial aid programs Different deadlines
College Entrance Exams... SAT…Total possible points = 1600 Tests English and Math knowledge May take as many times as needed... Must take before December of senior year!! ACT…Total possible points = 36 Tests 4 areas - English, Math, Science/Social Science SHOULD take this test if you want Cal Poly! Some say this test is more closely related to what you learn in High School Must take before December of senior year!
Transcripts…The Good, The Bad, The Ugly A transcript is your record of all of the courses you take in high school. It is your responsibility to make sure all of the grades recorded are correct. Transcripts are comprised of semester grades. Each student must determine their path for graduation and their future! Staff is here to help ALL students succeed!
Trade or Technical Schools Programs designed to give students post-secondary training and skills Good programs - generally more expensive to attend, but programs lead to a job Be sure to check program prior to committing any money Designed for students who are not in college prep. programs in high school
Military Options… The Five Branches of the US Military Are: Army Navy Air Force Marines Coast Guard
The Bottom Line…CHOICES! Students (and parents!) need to keep options OPEN! Apply, Apply, Apply! Watch for deadlines Get involved ! Do your very best and work hard It’s up to YOU!
Step out of your comfort zone…
Helpful Web Sites (write these down. ) www. csuapply Helpful Web Sites (write these down!) www.csuapply.edu- For CSU’s www.universityofcalifornia.edu - For UC’s www.aiccu.edu - For Private Schools www.deltacollege.edu - SJ Delta College www.cccco.edu - CA Community Colleges www.sat.org - SAT information www.ACT.org - ACT information www.Californiacolleges.edu
So, what can you get from the Career Center? Guidance and Career Counseling Information about careers Information about colleges and “life after Linden” Scholarship information Laptops for check-out
Top 5 Reasons YOU should visit the Career Center & Library: 5) To get a head start on your college/career 4) The computers have awesome resources 3) Mrs. Knapp and Mrs. Holquin are so friendly 2) To get started on your “life after Linden” 1) It’s the Coolest Room on Campus! (Duh!)
We are here to help you! Make the Career Center your home! QUESTIONS?