Focused Note Taking The Cornell Way Cornell Notes Focused Note Taking The Cornell Way
“One learns through the processing of information by the brain “One learns through the processing of information by the brain. Words very, very seldom imprint themselves on the brain; but ones thinking does.” ‐Walter Pauk
How and when did you learn how to take notes?
The 10 Steps of the Cornell Way C –reate Format O –rganize Notes R –eview & Revise N –ote Key Ideas E –xchange Ideas L –ink Learning L –earning Tool W –ritten Feedback A -ddress Feedback Y –our Reflection
Step 1 – Create Format Name, Date, Class Topic Layout Essential Question Tips…..
Step 2 – Organize Notes Listen/read & take notes in your own words Paraphrase what you hear/read Skip lines between ideas Abbreviate Use symbols Write in phrases Use bullets/lists Recognize cues
Tips to help Students with Step 2 Provide students with abbreviations & shortcuts for each content area Teach students your personal cues Model, model, model
Step 3 – Review and Revise Notes Student should review notes as soon as possible within 24 hours of taking original notes. Student should correct or fill in any information that is incomplete, spell out important abbreviations, fill in gaps etc.
Step 4 – Note Key Ideas Identify first “chunk” or “big idea” of the notes and label number “1” Write a question about the main idea of that “chunk” Repeat until all “chunks” are identified with corresponding questions
Step 5 – Exchange Ideas Collaborate or compare notes with peers to review notes, to enhance learning.
Step 6 – Link Learning - Summary Identify the main ideas to be used in the summary by reviewing your notes, questions written on the left side, and prior knowledge Address the essential question of the lesson in the summary Use the notes on the right side for support as you write the summary Combine main ideas by synthesizing; internalize learning from the questions/notes Answer the higher level questions on the left side in the summary to tie together the main ideas Paraphrase what you hear
Step 7 – Learning Tool – Use Notes as a Learning Tool Review notes taken, questions developed, and the summary, individually or with a study group Apply new learning to increase performance in the class by using notes to study for a test, write an essay, prepare for a presentation, etc. Interact with material by taking notes, writing questions, and summarizing to internalize the information and increase subsequent learning Use the notes to transfer knowledge to long-term memory by forming connections with and making meaning of the notes