Appraising result framework
Agenda Result framework: principles and process Analysis of result framework: case based discussion of selected projects Common issues in project planning and implementation
What is a Result and What is Not?
What is a Result and What is Not? "What these people need are toilets" There health status will definitely improve Photos Google Images
What is a Result and What is Not?
On June 4, 2018 about three dozen shops were monitored Case: “Agriculture Minister Assures to End Syndicate System in Kalimati Vegetable Market” On June 4, 2018 about three dozen shops were monitored To manage the market properly To end the existence of syndicates
Preamble: Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines, 2010, NPC
Result Result means the output, production or outcomes/effect achieved from the implementation of any programme. -(NPC, 2010, Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines 2067/2010) Any change that comes from the intervention short-term/long-term positive/negative Planned/unplanned.
Results Framework A results framework represents the underlying logic that explains how the development objective of a project is to be achieved. It is an explicit articulation (graphic display, matrix, or summary) of the different levels or chains of results expected from a particular intervention - project, program, or development strategy (WB, 2012).
Logics in Result Frameworks 10% increase in the no. of primary level students continuing on to high school with in 3 years Improve reading proficiency among students in primary level by 20% within 3 years 500 primary level students with low reading proficiency complete a reading summer camp (100 students * 5 groups)
The Results Chain Output Outcome Goal Result Risk Activities Inputs
The Results Chain: Example Impact: Can study better for exam Outcome: More alert Output: Cup of strong coffee Activities: 1) Fill kettle, 2) Boil Water, 3) Pour in cup, 4) Add coffee, milk and sugar, 5) stir Inputs: Water, Coffee, Sugar, Milk, Kettle, Cup, Spoon, Heat Source
How Result Framework Works? National/sector area National/sector area Goal Purpose Project/ Program Project/Program Outputs Inputs Activities Present situation Expected situation
How Results Framework Works? आयोजना प्रभाब Project/Program Outcomes Project/Program Outputs Project/Program Activity Inputs National Goal Sectoral Goal Regional/International Goal More Impact Collective Accountability Less
Origin and Development Pre 2000 AD Post 2000 AD Command and control, management Management by objectives, SMART objective Logical Framework Approach, shift of line item budgets to budgeting around objectives Development and humanitarian communities Results based management Paris Declaration (OAHRM) Accra Agenda for Action (OIDC)
Managing for Development Results An alternative “change management” approach that focuses on the whole results chain (ADB, 2012). It is about defining outcomes and outputs with measurable indicators and time-bound targets; allocating resources for activities; implementing activities and monitoring progress and targets; and evaluating performance against targets.
NPC, Logical Framework Result Chain and its description Indicator of Performance Criteria for Validation Key Assumptions Goal Purpose Outcome Output Activity Input
ADB, Design and Monitoring Framework Design Summary Performance Target/Indicators Data Sources/ Reporting Mechanisms Assumptions and Risks Impact Outcome Output Activity with milestone Inputs
WB, Results Framework Impact OC1 OP1 OP2 … Programs/ Indicators Baseline (YYYY) Targets MoV Responsible Agency Assump. /Risks YYYY Impact OC1 OP1 OP2 … Programs/ S. Programs (Inputs)
Appraising Result Framework Case (Emergency Earthquake Assistance Project’s Design and Monitoring Framework) Individual work (15 min): How is the hierarchy of change in design? What about indicators? Are they measurable? How sure are you in achieving results? Group Work (15 min) and 5 min each for Presentation: Discuss in group and consolidate the findings. List issues/challenges regarding this project in terms of planning and implementation.
Issues: RB Project Planning and Implementation Inclusive participation Focusing the dialogue on results at all phases of the development process Aligning programming, monitoring and evaluation with results Keeping measurement and reporting simple Managing for, not by results; and Using results information for learning and decision-making
Issues… Difficulty in applying causal logic Difficulty in learning Difficulty in integrating Difficulty in revising Difficulty in measuring Difficulty in ‘accrediting’
Further Readings National Planning Commission (NPC), 2010, Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation Guidelines 2067/2010, Kathmandu, NPC. World Bank (WB), 2012, designing a results framework for achieving results: a how-to guide, Washington DC, WB. Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2012, Managing for Development Result: Relevance, Responsiveness and Result Orientation, Manila, ADB.
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