We prayed, sang and studied God’s word We were NOT entertained! Our Meeting is Over God was worshipped John 4:23-24 We prayed, sang and studied God’s word We were NOT entertained!
Rom. 1:16, Heb. 4:12, 1 Cor. 1:18, cf. 1 Thess. 2:13 Our Meeting is Over God Word preached The gospel delivered Rom. 1:16, Heb. 4:12, 1 Cor. 1:18, cf. 1 Thess. 2:13 The world STILL needs the gospel!
The simple message preached 1 Cor. 2:1-5 Our Meeting is Over God Word preached The simple message preached 1 Cor. 2:1-5 The world wants “relevant” preaching! God’s word calls for repentance.
A different perspective 1 Cor. 3:6 Same message, different delivery. Our Meeting is Over God Word preached A different perspective 1 Cor. 3:6 Same message, different delivery. Consider four gospels!
The great commission still applies – Matt. 28:18-20, Mk. 16:15-16 Our Meeting is Over The community heard The great commission still applies – Matt. 28:18-20, Mk. 16:15-16 1 Thess. 1:8 Reception not our responsibility. Creating opportunities is!
We have control over this! 1 Cor. 14:12, 15, 26, Ac. 20:32 Our Meeting is Over We were edified We have control over this! 1 Cor. 14:12, 15, 26, Ac. 20:32 If our attitude was right, we were built up!
When we give of ourselves to God, it is a sacrifice. God knows! Our Meeting is Over We sacrificed Rom. 12:1-2, Heb. 13:15 When we give of ourselves to God, it is a sacrifice. God knows! To all who were here, THANK YOU!
He seeks to make our efforts fail Our Meeting is Over Was Satan at work? He seeks to make our efforts fail 1 Thess. 2:18, 1 Pet. 5:8, 2 Cor. 2:11 Were there stumbling blocks?
Did he keep us from praying? Could we have attended more? Our Meeting is Over Was Satan at work? Did he keep us from praying? Could we have attended more? Did we invite our friends and neighbors? Was our attitude right?
IF we allowed Satan to hinder us…REPENT! 2 Cor. 7:10-11 Our Meeting is Over Was Satan at work? IF we allowed Satan to hinder us…REPENT! 2 Cor. 7:10-11
We had visitors – follow up! Our Meeting is Over What now? We had visitors – follow up! Consider the lessons and make application – Jas. 1:21-25 Continue to pray Look for ways to share the message
Was this meeting successful in YOUR life?