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German Law Romans believed law came from the emperor, Germans believed it came from the people. Fighting and drinking were major problems in many Germanic villages, so they designed a justice system that answered to the people All people were not treated fairly however; wealth & importance, not the severity of the crime determined the penalty.
Terms to Know: Oath helpers- people who swore the accused were telling the truth Trial by ordeal- severe trial to determine guilt or innocence Blood feud- fights in which the families of the original fighters seek revenge Wergeld- fines imposed by the court, but collected by the public
Daily Life and Dagobert (7) The Fight for Floy (8) Gilbert’s Trial (7) Germanic Daily Life Daily Life and Dagobert (7) The Fight for Floy (8) Gilbert’s Trial (7)
Germanic Life Organizer Use the plays and your textbook pages 265-269 to complete the organizer outlining daily lives for germanic peoples.