CARING I see myself as a teacher that cares about all my students. I want to help my students in every way that I can and get to know who they are and how they learn. Like it says in the InTASC standards teachers that are caring are percieved to be more effective.
DEDICATED I will be dedicated to my job; I do not want to just show up to say that I did. I see myself being dedicated to my job by coming early and leaving late to help my students. I will also be dedicated and involved with the school where I work.
COMPETENT I see my self as being a very competent teacher. I will have all of the knowledge that I need to teach, plan, and help my students. I will study in school and learn now so that I will be able to teach the kids with confidence when I graduate and get a job.
PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY I see myself as a teacher that handles all of my work responsibly. I will have a lesson plan developed and ready to use before my classes start. I will come to school prepared and ready for the day. I will show up to my teacher meetings on time and ready to listen.
COOPERATIVE I see myself as a teacher that cooperates with every person I come in contact with. I will be cooperative with my fellow co-workers. I will cooperate with my students and their parents for the good of my students. I will help and inform the parents and students as much as I can.