Template for the portfolio.
your template.
I named the database trynew.mdb.
Here I am going to create a table and I am going to click on design view.
When you make a field name, please do not use embedded spaces and alo do not use special characters except the underscore. Most databases do not allow embedded spaces so we are going to try not to create bad habits.
When I create a number I need to go down to where it now shows field size and select the type - for example integer for whole numbers or single for small decimal numbers.
I have designated idno as the primary key I have designated idno as the primary key. This means that idno will uniquely identify the record. No other record will have the same idno.
Now I am saving the table as student.
Note that for every record there is an idno field followed by a stuName field followed by a major field followed by a numCrs field followed by a GPA field. Here I attempted to add a record with the same idno. I was told that I could not do that. I went back and changed the idno and things worked.
Here I am creating a query Here I am creating a query. I am going to add the student table and then close.
The table has been added, now I close.
I click on the fields to bring them down so they will be part of the query. I can choose which fields I want to see.
to see results of query. This query will now show only the records where the major is CI.
I am now seeing the records where the major is CI.
Now I am looking for the field numCrs to contain a value greater than 12. Note that this is a numeric literal testing a numeric field so it is not shown in quotes.
Now I am looking for two things to be true Now I am looking for two things to be true. The major has to be CI AND the numCrs field has to be >=12.