The AA Service Structure in Europe


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Presentation transcript:

The AA Service Structure in Europe (English-speaking) March 2019

AA Service “Our Twelfth Step – carrying the message – is the basic service that the AA Fellowship gives; this is our principal aim and the main reason for our existence” Bill W. in AA’s Legacy of Service

AA’s Three Legacies

AA’s Three Legacies The chief inheritances of the first twenty years of Alcoholics Anonymous are the Legacies of Recovery, of Unity, and of Service. By the first we recover from alcoholism; by the second we stay together in unity; and by the third our society functions and serves its primary purpose of carrying the A.A. message to all who need it and want it. The Twelve Traditions are to group survival and harmony what A.A.’s Twelve Steps are to each member’s sobriety and peace of mind. While A.A. has to function, it must at the same time avoid wealth, prestige, and power, three great dangers which necessarily tempt nearly all human societies.

AA in Europe Our service structure is formed as a result of our 12th Step It all begins (and ends) with the AA Group Sustaining the groups in unity is of paramount importance We are guided by our 12 Traditions & 12 Concepts Unique situation in Europe, in that each European country has its own structure (host nation)… Plus, there is an English-speaking region of AA Great Britain that covers Continental Europe There are also other language groups around Europe, i.e. Polish AA, Russian AA, Spanish AA, etc.

We can see what the test of an A. A. service really is We can see what the test of an A.A. service really is. Whether it is a book, a translation, a service conference, or a twentieth anniversary convention, the principle is the same; the test is identical: Do we need this particular service or do we not? That is the only question. Refer to the “The Structure of AA in Great Britain” handbook for more info

CER has about 18 Intergroups, and 780 meetings listed on it’s website. AA GB (2013) consisted of 4,277 AA Groups (including 496 from CER), 119 Intergroups, and 16 Regions. The General Service Office (GSO) is located in York UK.

Refer to the AA pamphlet “The AA Group” for more info 1. AA Groups Any two or more alcoholics gathered together may call themselves an AA Group Each group can choose which structure to belong to Does all the jobs that keep AA going Provide a meeting place Make available AA literature Collect Seventh Tradition Carry the message! Lots of service opportunities - the Home Group is the heartbeat of AA Represented by the “Group Service Representative” (GSR)

2. Intergroups Made up of GSRs and Intergroup Service Officers Refer to the “IG Bavaria” pamphlet for more info 2. Intergroups Made up of GSRs and Intergroup Service Officers Aim to serve all AA groups in a small geographical area Services may include: Co-ordinating public information, facilitating best practice between groups, organising workshops, linking groups to Region, providing opportunities for AA service, co-operation with Host Nation AA, sponsoring annual round-ups Meets ideally at least six times a year Represented by the “Region Reps”

Refer to the “About CER” pamphlet for more info 3. Regions Assembly is made up of Region Reps/GSRs & Region Service Officers Aim to serve all AA Intergroups (and groups without an Intergroup) in a large geographical area Services may include: Representing AA at professional community conferences, linking Intergroups to Conference, managing their own websites with meeting lists, manning 24 hour helplines, publishing newsletters … Meets at least four times a year Represented by “Delegates to Conference”

5. The General Service Board (GSB) The GSB consists of Trustees from each of the 16 Regions, as well as non-alcoholic Trustees, all of whom go through a nomination and ratification process The GSB executes the decisions of Conference, and carries out those tasks necessary as a consequence of the Boards charitable status The Trustees chair the various GSB Sub-committees: AA Service News, Archives, Armed Services, Electronic Communications, Employment, Health, Literature, Prisons, Probation / Criminal Justice Services, Public Information, SHARE, Roundabout and Telephone Service. Refer to the “The Structure of AA in Great Britain” handbook for more info

5. The General Service Office (GSO) The General Service Office (GSO) of AA GB provides administrative support to the General Service Board and the General Service Conference. GSO also provides central support for the Fellowship as a whole with such services as literature distribution and the answering of day-to-day enquiries from the fellowship, health professionals, media, and the public. The GSO is located York, United Kingdom. There are also two satellite offices; the Northern Service Office in Glasgow and the Southern Service Office in London. Refer to the “The Structure of AA in Great Britain” handbook for more info

4. The General Service Conference (GSC)

4. The General Service Conference (GSC) Questions (Agenda) published in AASN Conference 1. Recommendations published in AASN Conference 3. Deadline for next years questions for Conference 4. Conference Starts 2.  Repeats Annually Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Group Conscience Formulate response to Questions Group Conscience Recommend- ations & new Questions General Service Board GSB AA Groups Intergroups Regions GSC Conference GSRs GSRs Group Conscience Formulate response to Questions Group Conscience Recommend- ations & new Questions Example: 2016 Committee 4 Recommendation 2 The Committee considers that Conference adequately represents the conscience of the Fellowship. The existing service structure enables this process to the extent that representatives of Groups (GSRs), Intergroups (Region Reps) and Regions (Delegates) act as a conduit for the group conscience. The ultimate responsibility for this process starts and ends with the group. Where there is full engagement, it is hard to conceive of a more effective alternative. Example: 2016 Committee 4 Question 2 Would the Fellowship consider to what extent Conference truly represents ‘the practical means by which the Group conscience in AA GB can express itself in matters that concern the Fellowship as a whole’? Region Reps. Region Reps. AA Service News Conference Questions AA Service News Conference Recommend- ations Group Conscience Formulate response to Questions Group Conscience Recommend- ations & new Questions Delegates Delegates Group Conscience Present response to Questions & formulate Recommendations Refer to the “General Service Conference” pamphlet for more info Note: Questions for Conference can be submitted at anytime throughout the year

Thank you