Title of presentation Subtitle NOTE: These instructions are for the Office 2007 version of Powerpoint. You will see notes at the bottom of the slides to help guide you in formatting your slides. Use Arial font only. Images are placeholders for your own that can be tailored to your presentation. Event or location Name and title of presenter Department/area name and location Date
Use short title / sentence case Arial bold 36 pt WorkSource Powerpoint template Following the guidelines in this template will help ensure consistency and a branded look. It has been set up to help you produce your presentations quicker by providing “How to” tips throughout. The color palate has also been created for you. NOTE: Under the font and fill color options, the bottom row color pallet (recent colors) are the only colors that should be used.
Use short title / sentence case Arial bold 36 pt Establish anchor point Top-left corner 1” horizontal and 1.92” vertical placement. How to Highlight content box; right-click on perimeter; select “size and position”; under position tab make sure “horizontal” and “vertical” measures remain consistent at 1” and 1.92”. NOTE: Font size for body content: at least 28 pts. Use periods at the end of sentences.
Use short title / sentence case Arial bold 36 pt Font/sizes: 32 pt bold for subheads Use Arial font throughout for consistency. Keep size large enough to see on screen – at least 28 point. Maintain consistent sizes for headers, subheads and text. Don’t “shrink to cram”. If it won’t fit, eliminate words or add another slide. NOTE: The first letter of a bulleted sentence is capitalized, then only proper nouns are capitalized.
Use short title / sentence case Arial bold 36 pt Margins Leave consistent perimeter white space. Don’t cover logo, slide numbers, dates or design elements with images or text boxes. How to Highlight content box; right-click on perimeter; select “size and position”; under size tab, make sure the “height” (5”) and “width” (8.45”) measurement remains the same throughout. NOTE: These measurements prevents text from jumping around in different spots when moving from slide to slide during a presentation.
Use short title / sentence case Arial bold 36 pt Ling spacing Single space. Never use less than 0.9. Use “line spacing” to adjust leading; don’ insert extra returns. How to Highlight text, right click and select “paragraph” and select spacing options (usually “0.2 pt” before and “6 pt” after). NOTE: Using the settings for paragraphs and line spacing will ensure the same amount of space between text from slide to slide.
Use short title / sentence case Arial bold 36 pt To replace the photo, match size and placement. Use good quality images that do not pixel out when sized to fit the space. The best size is 300 dpi. When using photos in your presentations, the best quality image is at least 300 dpi. However, keep in mind that the larger the image (file) size and the more images used, the larger your file becomes which can create problems should you need to send it via email.
Use short title / sentence case Arial bold 36 pt Table heading Table text Heading NOTE: To format table, select the table and you will see the “Table Tools” tab at the top of the ribbon. There you will find the “Layout” tab for editing tables. To distribute columns evenly, highlight columns, select “Layout” and in the “Cell Size” menu, select “Distribute Columns”. This will force the highlighted columns to shift and become the same width.
Use short title / sentence case Arial bold 36 pt Specifications for charts Label the x and y axes, unless obvious (like years). All chart box lines should be 0.75 pt. Never use 3-D charts or graphs. Avoid using pie charts if possible. If you do use a pie chart, the maximum number of slices is five. Fill slices with shades of same color. Tick marks should be outside the chart. Only use template colors. NOTE: Colors could look the same once printed in black and white. Be sure to select colors with enough contrast or difference in line style.
Use short title / sentence case Arial bold 36 pt Specifications for charts (continued) Chart backgrounds should be transparent. Do not fill chart boxes with color. One chart per page. Chart lines/markers should be used consistently from chart to chart. If you use “2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009” use the same colors/line types/markers for all charts. NOTE: Text goes here for slide
Use short title / sentence case Arial bold 36 pt Specifications for charts (continued) If possible, legend should be in plot area without lines or background/fill. One chart per page. Never use 3-D charts or graphs. Chart lines/markers should be used consistently from chart to chart. If you use “2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009” use the same colors/line types/markers for all. NOTE: Text goes here for slide
Be sure to double- check your final presentation for accuracy, spelling, spacing and most of all consistency. For questions or clarification regarding this template, contact the Communications Office for assistance. NOTE: Text goes here for slide