Membership request for non obligors – Offset Service Providers [Company name] Note is taken that DKF e.V. shall take the above information into consideration to decide whether or not the applicant will get a member and that any false information or misrepresentation can cause the termination of such membership.
[Company Name] B8. Are the mentioned shareholders the ultimate financial beneficiaries of the capital? Yes / No -> If no, who are these beneficiaries, their function, citizenship and residence? -> B9. Are public agents or persons holding, or seeking to hold, an elective mandate or a governmental function among the shareholders and/or beneficiaries? Yes / No -> If yes, specify identity and occupation. B10. Do contractual or financial links (other than the possession of the capital) exist with public agents or persons holding, or seeking to hold, an elective or governmental function? Yes / No -> If yes, specify these links.
[Company Name] B10. Main directors and employees B11. Name / Title Education / Training Experience Special qualification B11. Is there any director or employee officially paid by a governmental organization? Yes / No -> If yes, specify names, titles and position of these persons. -> B12. Have the applicant, or its associate organizations or its employees, been accused and/or convicted of criminal offences in the present time or in the past? Yes / No -> If yes, specify for which criminal offences and what the sentences were (if any).
[Company Name] B13. Does the applicant (legal entity) run local and/or foreign subsidiary companies? Yes / No -> If yes, specify name, country of incorporation and business of these companies. -> B14. What is the statutory business (objects) of the applicant legal entity? B15. Describe briefly nature and historical background of the applicant's activity:
[Company Name] B16. If the applicant is an individual, provide a curriculum vitae, if it is a legal entity, provide brochures, annual reports and any other relevant documentation. -> B17. Motivation to join DKF B18. Provide names of persons that are already DKF member ( with POC details ) that can recommend the applicant
[Company Name] B19. BANK REFERENCES specify name of banks and bank account (s) number (s)... : -> B20. APPLICANT'S COMMENTS __________________________ Date & Signature