SC-transplanted rats show improved functional recovery relative to media or fibroblast controls after incomplete cervical SCI. A, Cylinder test results from Experiment 1. SC-transplanted rats show improved functional recovery relative to media or fibroblast controls after incomplete cervical SCI. A, Cylinder test results from Experiment 1. At 10 wpi, SKP-SC-treated animals used the forelimb affected by injury (left) significantly more than media controls. Dashed lines depict the mean and SEM of uninjured control animals. B, Cylinder test results from Experiment 2. There were no significant differences in total left forelimb usage among the groups at any of the time points assessed. C, CatWalk results from Experiment 2. Mean forelimb intensity difference (left forelimb minus right forelimb; LF-RF) measured in arbitrary units (a.u.) was significantly less negative for the SKP-SC and N-SC groups compared with the Fibro group at 6 and 10 wpi, indicating that transplantation of SCs from either source promoted better weight support on the left forelimb (relative to the right) than fibroblast transplantation. The dashed line indicates a difference score of zero—the theoretical norm for intensity differences. For A–C, *p < 0.05 and all results are depicted as group means ± SEM. Joseph S. Sparling et al. J. Neurosci. 2015;35:6714-6730 ©2015 by Society for Neuroscience