1. Review of reproductive biology 2. Pollination Ecology On the Function of Flowers -precise placement -outcrossing -pollination syndromes -variation in flowers -life cycle
Figure 38.2 Review of an idealized flower
Figure 38.3a Trillium
Figure 38.3f Sagittaria: staminate flowers (left), carpellate flowers (right)
Figure 38.3ex Begonia, a monoecious species
Figure 38.3d2 Aloe
Figure 38.3b Lupines
1. Review of reproductive biology 2. Pollination Ecology On the Function of Flowers -precise placement -outcrossing -pollination syndromes -variation in flowers -life cycle
Figure 38.1 Simplified overview of angiosperm life cycle
Figure 38.3ax2 Lily
Figure 38.4 The development of angiosperm gametophytes (pollen and embryo sacs)
Dispersed Pollen Grain Generative Cell Tube Cell Pollen Coat 4 Microspores
Figure 38.5 Pollen grains have tough, ornate, and distinctive walls
Figure 38.3ax1 Lily
Cross Section of an Ovary One ovule just after meiosis
Figure 38.4 The development of angiosperm gametophytes (pollen and embryo sacs)
Mature female gametophyte Egg Four-nuclear female gametophyte after two mitotic divisions of the megaspore)
Figure 38.9 Growth of the pollen tube and double fertilization
Figure The development of a dicot plant embryo
Figure The life cycle of an angiosperm
1. Review of reproductive biology 2. Pollination Ecology On the Function of Flowers -precise placement -outcrossing -pollination syndromes -life cycle -variation in flowers
1. Review of reproductive biology 2. Pollination Ecology On the Function of Flowers -precise placement -outcrossing -pollination syndromes -life cycle -variation in flowers
Three paths for pollen flow: selfing: 1. Within flower 2. Between flowers 3. outcrossing (between plants)
Red Maple Flowers staminate pistillate
Figure 38.3e Maize, a monoecious species
Foxgloves and outcrossing
Figure 38.3bx1 Foxglove
Female zone Male zone Bees fly up Then start over at the bottom Three components to outcrossing in foxglove 1. Young flowers are male, old are female 2. Young flowers are nearer the top 3. Bees fly up.
1. Review of reproductive biology 2. Pollination Ecology On the Function of Flowers -precise placement -outcrossing -pollination syndromes -life cycle -variation in flowers
-pollination syndromes Hummingbird -- -long tube -red color -abundant nectar - no odor - no landing
-pollination syndromes Bat -- -abundant pollen -white or drab color -abundant nectar - good odor - strong landing
Banana (Musa), pollinated by bats, dispersed by monkeys
-pollination syndromes Sphinx Moth -- -long tube -white color -abundant nectar - exquisite odor (periodic) - landing
Angraecum (Orchidaceae)
-pollination syndromes Carrion insect -- -contrasting light and dark pattern -brown-purple color -no nectar - foul odor
1. Review of reproductive biology 2. Pollination Ecology On the Function of Flowers -precise placement -outcrossing -pollination syndromes -life cycle -variation in flowers