Baseline and follow-up values for HbA1c, WBISI, IGI, and ODI in NGT subjects divided according to development of IGT at follow-up (progressors [dark green.


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Presentation transcript:

Baseline and follow-up values for HbA1c, WBISI, IGI, and ODI in NGT subjects divided according to development of IGT at follow-up (progressors [dark green bars] vs. nonprogressors [light green bars]). *ANCOVA test. Baseline and follow-up values for HbA1c, WBISI, IGI, and ODI in NGT subjects divided according to development of IGT at follow-up (progressors [dark green bars] vs. nonprogressors [light green bars]). *ANCOVA test. Cosimo Giannini et al. Diabetes 2012;61:606-614 ©2012 by American Diabetes Association