Wednesday and Thursday, April 17 and 18, 2013 Daily Learning Targets: I can read increasingly challenging text to evaluate the influences. I can distinguish the theme of an increasingly challenging text. I can evaluate the author’s use of parallel plots/subplots. I can analyze conventions of dramatic literature (characterization) to assess how they express the writer’s meaning.
Bell Ringer What is animalism? What did the animals do after they successfully expelled Jones? What were the 7 commandments? How successful have the animals been in running the farm, so far? Explain the windmill controversy. What is happening or will happen to the equality of the animals?
Group Activity For the scene(s) your class read yesterday… Know Your Role: Summarize- restate the most important information, details or events. Question –Where is the story (each scene) taking place? What has happened before? What characters are involved? What do I need to re-read or have my teacher clarify? Connect – relate to the events or characters. Have you ever known a person like any of the characters? What other stories come to mind when reading? Are there any lessons or themes to be learned so far? Reflect – What have you learned so far? Why are you reading this particular text? Why is this topic important? Predict- Predict what may happen next. What effect will this event have on the characters? On the plot? Complete your job responsibilities for what we’ve read so far.
Read We will read, stopping at page 209. DLT: I can read increasingly challenging text.
Character Symbols You will be given a character. You must create at least 5 objects: (draw pictures, create 3-d objects, use magazine clippings,-be creative!) that represent your given character. Each object must have a written explanation! DLT: I can analyze conventions of dramatic literature to assess how they express a writer’s meaning.
Partner Activity Think about how the pigs are running the farm and the windmill controversy. (managing “employees” is difficult) With a partner, create a fictional company of your choice. Describe what your company is going to manufacture or do. (write 1 paragraph about your company) Imagine that you have 5 employees working for you. Design a work schedule (for one week)and a pay scale for your employees. Decide which of the 5 previously discussed themes, this part of the story would express and explain why. DLT: I can evaluate the author’s use of parallel plots/subplots DLT: I can distinguish the theme of an increasingly challenging text.