Disagreeing - examples A. Think quietly of a recent occasion when someone disagreed with you and it made you angry. B. Continue thinking about: 1. what exactly you were disagreeing about 2. why it mattered so much to you at the time 3. how important it really was that you should agree with each other C. Share your thoughts about 1, 2 and 3 with a talking partner.
Disagreeing – without anger As a whole group, discuss: 1. Why people sometimes get angry if others disagree with them 2. Whether getting angry usually makes it easier or more difficult to reach an agreement in the end 3. How you might be able to stop yourself getting too angry if someone disagrees with you
Disagreeing – being agreeable For further whole group discussion: How you might be able to disagree with someone without making them angry or upset? If you could do that, would you be an agreeable person or a disagreeable person? Is an agreeable person more likely to feel good than a disagreeable person? 4. Is it possible to be too agreeable?