VC-WG Day: Topic #3: ECV Products / SBSTA Reporting Pascal Lecomte & Richard Eckman CEOS SIT Technical Workshop Montpellier, France 16-18 September 2014
Outcomes Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Generation GCOS ECVs are the basis of discussion A recognition that these definitions are sometimes not ideal. Discussion between CEOS, GCOS and other agencies can lead to their evolution WGClimate is seeking VC input on ECV generation (an ECV inventory) Are we meeting GCOS requirements? Even if not, the ECVs produced can still be useful for other applications. WG/VC interaction: essential that VCs provide input to ECV inventory and updated CEOS response to GCOS IP Should there be VC representation on WGClimate to enhance awareness and “buy-in”?
Outcomes SBSTA Reporting In 2012, CEOS provided an update on progress by space programs. Will do the same this time, but schedule is aggressive. 20-page report due to FCC by 5 October. No time for widespread interaction with VCs, but VC chairs, minimally, will need to comment on draft Plans for quarterly WGClimate telecons with desire to involve VCs and SIT team to better communicate near-term activities