English Listening and Composition Prof. Shao Guangqing Shaoguangqing@gmail.com Sep., 2013 영어 청취와 작문
Contents Unit three Example Paragraphs Part 1 Part 2 Speaking- Picture description Reading- “Bumping into Mr. Ravioli” Part 2 Analyzing- a student paragraph for the outline Writing- the outline for an example paragraph
[3 points for voluntary speakers] Warm-up Describe the picture, using your imagination as much as possible. [3 points for voluntary speakers] Who is the little girl with? Who do you think she is talking to? Where do you think she might be going? What do you think her daily activities might be? Would you describe her life as “busy”? Why or why not?
Reading: Bumping into Mr. Ravioli My daughter Olivia, who just turned three, has an imaginary friend whose name is Charlie Ravioli. Olivia is growing up in Manhattan, and so Charlie Ravioli has a lot of local traits: he lives in an apartment “on Madison and Lexington;” he dines on grilled chicken, fruit, and bottled water; and, having reached the age of seven and a half, he feels, or is thought “old”. But the most peculiarly local thing about Olivia’s imaginary playmate is this: he is always too busy to play with her.
Reading: Bumping into Mr. Ravioli She holds her toy cell phone up to her ear, and we hear her talk into it: “Ravioli? It’s Olivia…It’s Olivia. Come and play? Ok. Call me. Bye.” Then she snaps it shut, and shakes her head. “I always get his machine,” she says. Or she will say, “I spoke to Ravioli today.” “Did you have fun?” my wife and I asked. “No. He was busy working. On a television” (leaving it up in the air if he repairs electronic devices or has his own talk show).
Understanding the text T or F? ___ Olivia is three years old. ___ Charlie Ravioli is a real person. ___Olivia often plays with Charlie Ravioli. ___ Charlie Ravioli is very different from most New Yorkers. ___ Olivia often talks to Charlie Ravioli in person.
Understanding the text Who is Olivia? Olivia is the author’s daughter. She lives in Manhattan and has an active imagination.
Understanding the text Who is Charlie Ravioli? Charlie Ravioli is Olivia’s imaginary friend.
Understanding the text According to the author, is Charlie Ravioli a typical New Yorker? Why do you think so? He is a typical New Yorker because he is always busy and difficult to reach.
Understanding the text What does Charlie Ravioli eat and drink? Why do you think the author includes these details? Charlie Ravioli drinks bottled water and eats grilled chicken and fruit. These are typical habits of New Yorkers.
Understanding the text What is the main problem with this imaginary friend? This imaginary friend Charlie Ravioli is too busy to play with Olivia.
Practice: How would you describe yourself? Choose 3 words that you would use to describe yourself. Then write on a piece of paper about why each word describes you. [10 minutes] active athletic boring busy compassionate confident courageous creative difficult flexible fun generous hardworking healthy intelligent organized proud shy stubborn
Hints [5 points for voluntary speakers] Step 1: I am a/an ____________ person. Step 2: What experiences have you had that show you are a/an _______ person? _________________________________________ What activities do you often do that show you are a/an _______ person?
Reading a student paragraph: Like a Mule Topic sentence: Supporting sentences: Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Concluding sentence: I am a stubborn person. I do not take advice from other people. I do not change my mind easily. I always defend my opinions. My life is not always easy, but I am proud to be a stubborn person.
Practice: writing an outline Topic sentence I am a/an ______ person. Supporting sentences Example 1_______________________________. Example 2 _______________________________. Example 3 _______________________________. Concluding sentence ________________________________________.
Homework Choose one of the following topics: write an outline and then develop it into a example paragraph. 1. College students have a stressful life. 2. There are many advantages of being organized. 3. My high school years were the best time of my life. 4. My experiences with computers have been frustrating. 5. Taking a vacation on a beach is a lot of fun.
Title _________________________ Sample Due time: Oct. 11 (Friday) Outline Topic sentence:_____________________________ Supporting sentences Example 1________________________________ Example 2 ________________________________ Example 3 ________________________________ Concluding sentence:_________________________ Title _________________________ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Sample outline Topic sentence Supporting sentences Concluding sentence I am a quiet person. Supporting sentences Example 1 I usually do not have anything to say in my class. Example 2 I can not communicate normally with strangers. Example 3 I even do not have a strong communication with my parents. Concluding sentence I have tried to change, but I still do not feel I can ever be open and talk with other people normally.