Reference: EASME/EMFF/2017/039


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Presentation transcript:

Reference: EASME/EMFF/2017/039 Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan Consortium and team presentation to Atlantic Steering Group Brussels, 18th July 2018 Reference: EASME/EMFF/2017/039 Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium

Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium Involved entities Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium

Collaboration with CA, DG MARE, ASG as the AAP Governing Body; Central team Project Leader G. Morfoulis Maritime Policy & Sea-basin based approaches Dr. B. Drakeford Events Organisation Expert P. Van Doren Web-based Developer A. Lane Spollen Monitoring & Evaluation Expert M. Rune Jensen Event Organisation Support Member A. Alexandridou S. Triantis L. Kyttari Web Support Member S. Andritsopoulos Monitoring & Evaluation Support Member F. Pitton S. Kollia A. Kyritsaka National Unit Coordinator D. Irwin Brown Communication Expert E. Hiere PMO E.Zempili Collaboration with CA, DG MARE, ASG as the AAP Governing Body; Operational guidance to respective National Hubs; Delivers services and products directly to project stakeholders Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium

National Hubs National Hub UK Coordinator Dr. B. Drakeford National Hub FR Coordinator M. Schlaifer National Hub SP Coordinator A. ViIlanueva National Hub PT Coordinator Dr. M. de Fátima L. Alves National Hub IE Coordinator Dr. A.M. O’Hagan National Hub UK Team Members A.Thorpe Dr. A. Hatcher National Hub FR Team Members Pietro D’Elia National Hub SP Team Members C. Secades National Hub PT Team Members Dr. M. Marques Dr. V. Quintino National Hub IE Team Members J. Gault Dr. T. O’Higgins National Hub UK Expert Dr. P. Failler National Hub FR Expert M. Bourhis National Hub SP Expert C. Quelle National Hub PT Expert Dr. C. Pita National Hub IE Expert Dr. M. Le Tissier Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium

National Hubs key points Collaboration with ASG members Dedicated NHs personnel reinforced also with support members Attend/ contribute bi-annual co-ordination meetings Support on funding opportunities Engage stakeholders and develop networks Promote AAP with attendance to 3rd party events Undertake/ contribute to max. 3 dedicated events in each Member State Organise ad-hoc seminars for managing authorities Support Conference of Regions National Hubs key points Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium

General project approach Effective communication Raising awareness Capacity building of relevant stakeholders & project promoters Outreach and active engagement of stakeholders Knowledge and project development related to Atlantic Strategy Monitoring of implementation progress of the Action Plan Intelligent and continuous collaboration Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium

Management co-ordination and reports key points Office space specifically provided in Brussels for ad-hoc project use: 81 rue du Marteau (KANTOR’s Brussels offices) Central Team review work programme and communications plan monthly. Quality team closely monitors quality assurance based on Project Leader’s monthly report. All findings of internal review processes will be reflected in quarterly progress reports National Hub Coordinator ensures quality, discipline and homogeneity in service delivery amongst National Hubs. National Hubs submit quarterly progress reports Quarterly follow up meetings and Bi-annual meetings with contracting authority Management co-ordination and reports key points Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium

Communication key points Multiple points of dissemination 100 new dissemination partnerships Telephone hotline supplements online helpdesk Social Media expanded to Instagram and Shapr (suggested) Multiple communications materials (see below + promo videos) Atlantic Project Award Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference continues Flash reports: up to 5 per year Newsletter: 4 per year 1 brochure Stories: 20 per year Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium

Website improvement key points Intuitive menu and labels Updated funding search tool Communication extended (#MyAtlanticFunding) Maritime Datahub: projects and partner institutions Dedicated national sub-sections Shapr: dedicated network of users Calendar of events and funding opportunities Social Media integration Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium

Monitoring, reporting and intelligent collaboration key points Projects tracked and uploaded to Maritime Data Hub Sources of funding monitored Bringing together of authorities managing funds and stakeholders wanting to access Best practices continuously developed and uploaded on website Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium

Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium Thank you for your attention Tel: +32 (0)2 737 15 93 Fax: +32 (0)2 737 15 99 Assistance mechanism for the Atlantic Action Plan - AETS Consortium