Project 4: IoT-enabled peer-to-peer energy trading REU Students: Nicholas Shanklin & Eric Elliot Graduate mentors: Sharare Zehtabian & Rehan Faculty mentor(s): Dr. Qun Zhou & Dr. Damla Turgut Week 7 (July 8 – July 12, 2019) Accomplishments: Simulated the blockchain interface between web based software SolTrade and Microgrid. Finished Introduction, Methods section of the research poster. Focus on energy Marketplace and user bidding to exchange between prosumer and consumer. Problem & Solutions Knowing if the data we collected is valid. If the data we collecting is contributing to the future project of peer to peer energy trading. Finishing analyzing results so we can contribute them to our research poster. Plans for next week: Wrapping up our findings for peer to peer energy trading and finishing our final report.