OSU Phenology Garden Network 2006 Additions: Perennials Images courtesy of Bluestone Perennials Descriptions from Bluestone Perennials and Klyn Nurseries, Inc.
Perennial additions: Anemone x hybrida Honorine Jobert, Japanese Anemone Asclepias tuberosa, butterfly weed Baptisia australis, false indigo Dianthus grantianopolitanus Tiny Rubies Doronicum orientale Magnificum, Leopardbane Echinacea purpurea Magnus, Purple coneflower Geranium Nimbus, Perennial geranium Helleborus x hybrida, Lenten rose Hemerocallis Raspberry Pixie, Daylily Iris sibirica Anniversary, Siberian iris Monarda didyma Raspberry Wine, Bee balm Penstemon digitalis Husker Red, Beardtongue Phlox paniculata David, Garden phlox Salvia x sylvestris May Night, Hybrid sage Sedum Autumn Joy
Anemone x hybrida Honorine Jobert Japanese anemone, 36 – 42. Extra large single white. Long blooming.
Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly weed: This perennial is a rugged, sun-loving plant. Adapts to infertile soils and rought conditions. Has vibrant orange flower heads on 24 stems most of summer. Native to eastern U.S.
Baptisia australis False indigo: Excellent back of the border plant. Has intense blue spikes of pea-shaped flowers on 3-4 stems above gray-green leaves. June blooms are followed by prominent dark seedpods. Native to Eastern U.S. Sun, partial shade.
Dianthus grantianopolitanus Tiny Rubies Dianthus: Short 2" - Plant 12" apart. A charming cushion of 1" foliage, covered with brilliant tiny double pink flowers. A choice dwarf plant or groundcover for a sunny area.
Doronicum orientale Magnificum Leopardbane: Short to Med. 14" - Plant 10" apart. Zone 4-8 Brilliant yellow, daisy-like flowers. Fine for cutting in early spring. Plant is dormant in midsummer, the foliage partially disappearing. One of the earliest blooming perennials and an excellent ground cover under shrubs and trees if the soil is kept moist in the summer.
Echinacea purpurea Magnus Purple coneflower: Strong upright stems are topped by daisy-like flowers. Blooms July to September. Native to central U.S. Perennial plant of the year selection, rose-pink flowers.
Geranium Nimbus Cranesbill - Medium 20" - Plant 16" apart. Zone 4-8. Arguably as good, or better than G. Johnson's Blue. Very floriferous and vigorous. Blue flowers with a pale center over attractive mounds of dissected leaves.
Helleborus x hybridus Lenten Rose- Med 12-18" - Plant 20" apart. zone 4-8. PPA 2005 Winner! 'Sunshine Selection' Prefers a moist, rich organic soil. Deep green leathery leaves form a ground covering, broad clump. Flowers are 2", in pink to white to green to almost black. Single flowers can be floated in a bowl of water for weeks. Blooms very early.
Hemerocallis Raspberry Pixie Daylily, medium. - Plant 18" apart. Raspberry shades with bright yellow stamens. Mid-July flowering with fragrant blossoms. 24" tall.
Iris sibirica Anniversary Siberian iris: Plant 20" apart. More delicately flowered than Bearded Iris, the Siberian have medium-sized flowers on 3 1/2 foot stalks. Equally at home in the dry border, or a moist or bog garden. Very reliable, they flower in June, and are trouble free. Broad petaled white and white bicolor. No dividing needed, ever.
Monarda didyma Raspberry Wine Bee Balm: Medium 30" - Plant 14" to 18" apart. Zone 4-9 Very attractive to Bees and Hummingbirds. Erect stems are square with opposite, scented leaves. Large leaved, very mildew resistant foliage with berry red flowers. Upper foliage also colors.
Penstemon digitalis Husker Red Beardtongue - Medium - Plant 14 apart. Perennial Plant Association 1996 Plant of the Year. Soft pink flowers with almost black stems. Superb shiny deep green leaves with maroon undersides. 24" tall offers nice contrasting foliage to the border.
Phlox paniculata David Garden Phlox: Tall 2-4' Plant 20"apart. Provides unsurpassed flowering in summer, clear crisp white and fragrant flowers in profusion. PPA Plant of the Year Long lasting sparkling white giant flowering clusters. Very fragrant with light green mildew resistant foliage. Best white we've ever seen.
Sedum Autumn Joy Hybrid sedum: Large plate-like flower heads start in September as light pink, passing through salmond and dry to a rosy russet shade. Succulent green leaves all summer. 18 to 24.
Salvia x sylvestris May Night Hybrid sage: Medium - Plant 16" apart. One of the best Salvias. Spikes of the deepest blue begin in late May and continue through the summer. 18 to 24" tall in bloom, it is a sight to see.