Kaupapa: 08 / 08 Tuesday Describe the main features of the moon Describe how the moon causes tides on earth
What am I? I have got no air You can jump six times higher on me I have lots of craters You can never see the back of me from the Earth The first visitors came in 1969 I am 384,000 km away from the Earth I take 27 days to orbit the Earth once
The Moon Hundred times lighter than the Earth 384,000 km away from the Earth The moon takes about 27 days to orbit the Earth once The moon also rotates, which is why we can not see its back The gravity is six times weaker than on the Earth There is no water or atmosphere
Jumping on the Moon
Why does the moon orbit the Earth?
Diameter = 360 km !! 65 times the size of CHCH
Questions: What caused these craters?
Questions: Why more craters on its back?
Question: Why does the Earth not have as many craters as the Moon?
Craters on the Moon The Moon has no atmosphere so it is not protected from rocks flying through space. The Moon’s surface is covered in craters caused by these rocks (meteorites).
What have we learnt today? How long does it take for the moon to orbit the Earth? What made the craters on the Moon? Why no craters on the Earth?