Repetition suppression: Interaction between trials without (prime) versus with (target) context (C) and repeated versus non-repeated context (i.e., repetition congruency; R). Repetition suppression: Interaction between trials without (prime) versus with (target) context (C) and repeated versus non-repeated context (i.e., repetition congruency; R). A detailed overview of all clusters obtained with common or separate baselines can be found in Extended Data Figure 4-1. ERF time courses of (A) repetition and (B) non-repetition trials for all sensors and familiarity conditions. Colored lines represent individual sensors and within-plot topographical map color-codes scalp position of each sensor. Topographies represent activation at 400 and 2000 ms, which allows a comparison of activation after 400 ms of the onset of prime and target, respectively. C, Topographical map represents F values of significant sensors averaged across the significant time window. Non-significant sensors are set to zero. Surface plot represents source locations of the effect in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) thresholded at 50%. D, ERF time course averaged across significant sensors (of left hemisphere only, shown in topography in C). The significant time window is marked by a yellow shaded black box. Red lines correspond to prime and blue lines to target; solid lines correspond to repetition (Rep) and dashed lines to non-repetition (Non-Rep) trials (averaged across all familiarity conditions). E, Boxplots represent activation averaged across sensors and time points within the left hemisphere cluster, for repetition trials (left) and non-repetition trials (right). Colored dots and lines represent individual participants. Asterisks indicate significant results (t > 2) from post hoc LMMs. Susanne Eisenhauer et al. eNeuro 2019;6:ENEURO.0321-18.2019 ©2019 by Society for Neuroscience