Pair and Group Work – Conclusion
Video Let’s review the reasons why pair and group work are helpful for young learners of English. Play the video.
Partner Activity Choose a group work activity from any Our World Student Book. Plan for the activity by doing the following: Write directions for your students. Explain how you will model the task. Give names to your groups and tell how you will group students (by proficiency? mixed?). Explain how students will share their final work. Application Now we are going to apply what we’ve learned in the video. You’ll have a chance to work with a partner and then share your work with your peers. Ask participants to find a partner to work with. Distribute Handout 11.2. Ask participants to read the directions on the screen. Ask if anyone has any questions about the task. Clarify directions. Participants work with their partner to complete handout 11.2 for seven to ten minutes. Monitor the group to see when everyone is finished. Ask pairs to find another pair and share their plan. Allow two to three minutes.