The Need: 80% of the Churches on the North American Continent are in a state of decline. 77% of those who make a decision to follow Jesus do so before the age of 21. There are 4,495 colleges and universities in the United States as of 2010. Over 19 Million enrolled in college or universities. With less than 150 Campus Ministries, Churches of Christ are active on less than 3% of U.S. universities. 1 1 2 3 4 5 Sources: 1, 2 Barna Research Group 3, 4 Digest of Education Statistics: 2010 5 CMU 2008 National Study
CMU’s Three-Fold Mission Train New Campus Ministers Provide Enrichment Materials and Seminars to Bless Existing Ministries Assist Churches Sponsoring New Ministry Plants
What We’ve Done Thus Far: Planted four full-time campus ministers in the field (Miami, Tallahassee, Corpus Christi, San Francisco) – more to come. Conducted Six enrichment workshops held on the campus of Harding University boosting national and international participation. Sponsored detailed studies revealing the current state of Church of Christ campus ministry and problems that need to be addressed.
Millions of College Students! How You Can Help CMU! 100 giving $100. With Your Help We Can: Change Eternity for Millions of College Students!