Awesome animals By : ehndy mccarty 5th 7 period
Mink and black squirrel habitat . This is a map of where to find minks . minks are usually found in swaps or marshlands , and sometimes even dry areas is there is enough food . This is a map of where to find a black squirrel . black squirrels typically enjoy wooded areas and are found in midwestern united states and eastern canada . Mink and black squirrel habitat .
What a mink eats What a black squirrel eats A black squirrel eats stuff like nus , fruits and seeds and they sometimes even nibble on eggs ! A mink eats things like small frogs , small mammals like shrews , rabbit and mice . Minks also eat fish and duck and stuff like those animals.
Physical characteristics Minks characteristics Black squirrels characteristics A minks tail is most of it body . they have slightly webbed feet and typically brown or black fur with some white fur around , and on it's chin . Black squirrels have black ,grey ,and pale fur kinda like a mix of colors . ther ears are also kinda pale but also with white . (- -)
.they seem boring but are relatively rare . . they are more of private squirrels . . despite the color they are very similar to eastern grey squirrels . .kent ,ohio has more black squirrels than usual . It is like a fox squirrel and an eastern gray squirrel . Fun facts
. male minks grow to about 13 - 18 in . they can go 5 mph . male minks grow to about 13 - 18 in . a scientific name for a mink is neovision vision . they can found around north america and america . . their mass is 1.1 - 3.5 lbs Fun facts
My resources American Mink - Mustela vison - NatureWorks - nhpbs Black squirrel - Wikipedia American Mink: Behavior, Habitat & Facts | BioKIDS - Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species, Neovison vison, American ... Squirrels: Diet, Habits & Other Facts - Live Science BioKIDS - Kids' Inquiry of Diverse Species, Sciurus carolinensis ...