Year 1 Theme Map: Summer 1 Rumble in the Jungle! Art/DT Literacy Please encourage your child to read each day Year 1 Theme Map: Summer 1 Henri Rousseau - layered artwork Draw plants using water colour pencils. Create pictures using layering. Use collage to build up layers. Use colour mixing. Non-fiction texts - how to use these to find out information, and write our own. Explore stories from other cultures. Writing linked to Theme through factfiles, stories, recounts. Rules and consequences. Understand the choices we can make. Understand that we are all different and that makes us special. Understand the differences in our community. Know we belong to a worldwide community. Art/DT Literacy Computing Use Chromebooks to write up factfiles. Begin to edit work and add pictures. Use iPads to record observations. Rumble in the Jungle! PSHE PE Maths Gymnastics To move in sequences. To move in different ways using apparatus. Outdoor PE Theme RE Add 2 digit numbers and understand place value Find the difference by counting up Measure length, weight and capacity accurately Add coins together and find change Tell the time to quarter hours 3D shape Represent data using venn diagrams Direction and position Science Describe the layers of the rainforest. Learn about jungle and rainforest animals and their habitats. Learn about the people that live in rainforests and their way of life. Identify food from the rainforest. Understand what deforestation means and the effect it has on the environment. Judaism Learn about Jewish celebrations and festivals. Understand what happens in a Synagogue. Learn about Jewish beliefs and customs. Plants Watch and monitor our own plants growing in different conditions. Know where plants grow. Understand the parts of a plant. Explain why it is important for humans to grow plants. Understand why plants have roots. Visits Kingston Synagogue - 6th May Chessington Zoo - 13th May