Regional Handbook Francesco, Jalen, Joel Room: 306 Region: North America Countries: U.S.A, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Canada, Denmark
The United States of America Francesco The U.S. is a democratic country using the presidential system and was formed in 1776 has a population of 316,128,839 (as of 2013) and an HDI of .914 its capital is Washington DC in Virginia. The U.S.A.’s GDP per capita is 53.142. The largest of the country’s many ethnicities is White (63%) followed by hispanics(17%) and African Americans(13%) then Asians(5.1%) then Native Americans at 1.2% of the population and then last are native Hawaiians and pacific islanders at only .2%. There are many languages spoken in the U.S. the official language being english other languages spoken include spanish, german,arabic,polish,and chinese. the American flag(left) and the capitol building(below)
Mexico Francesco MexIco became a country in September of 1810 and is a federal republic lead by president Enrique pena Nieto. Mexico has a population of 122,332,399, a total area of 1,972,550 square kilometers, an HDI of .756, and a GDP per capita of 8519 its capital is Mexico city the official language is spanish but there are still several native languages spoken including maya among others. Most people in Mexico are literate although not all 94.8% of the male population is literate and 92.3% of women are literate. The majority of Mexicans are roman catholic at 88% of the population with the others jewish(.25%) or of other faiths or non religious at 3.55%. The majority of Mexicans are Mestizo(Amerindian-Spanish) at 60% then Amerindian or predominantly Amerindian(30%) than Whites at 9% of the population and 1% being any other race. Mexico’s flag (above) and capital building (below)
How they compare The U.S.A. compared to Mexico is more culturally diverse, has more literate people within its population, has a higher HDI (the U.S.’s being .914 Mexico’s being .756) , and a longer life expectancy Mexico is also a newer country. Mexico was made into a country in 1810 oppose to the U.S. which was formed in 1776 so Mexico is about 40 years younger than the U.S. Mexico’s GDP per capita U.S.A’s GDP per capita
Dominican Republic Jalen Dominican Republic - Republica Dominican The Dominican Republic was colonized in 1493 by Spaniards. It was the first colony Christopher Colombus found. The capital of Dominican Republic is Santo Domingo. The President of the Dominican Republic is Danilo Medina. The government is a democratic republic which is a democracy. The Dominican Republic covers 18,704 square miles. There are approximately 8 million people in the Dominican Republic.. The population density per square kilometer is 196. Ethnicities include:: 73% Mixed, 16% White, and 11% Black. The language spoken is Spanish. The Dominican Republic is 95% Roman Catholic. The literacy rate for the Dominican Republic is 85%. The gross domestic product per capita is U.S$ 6,300. In 2013, the HDI (human development index) value was .700, which is high human development. The life expectancy for Dominican Republicans is 79 yrs. The Dominican Republic Flag (above) The capitol building (below)
Cuba Jalen Cuba - Republica de Cuba Cuba was discovered in 1492 by Christopher Colombus. The capital and largest city in Cuba is Havana. Cuba’s President is Raul Castro. Cuba has a Communist Government. Cuba covers 42,803 square miles. There are 11 million people in Cuba. The population density per square kilometer is 103. Cuban ethnicities include:: 51% Mixed, 37% White, 11% Black, and 1% Chinese. The language spoken in Cuba is Spanish. Religions in Cuba include: Roman Catholic and Santeria(Afro-Cuban syncretic). Cuba is mostly Roman Catholic. Cuba’s literacy rate is 97%. The gross domestic product per capita is U.S$2,,700. In 2013, the HDI (human development index) value was .815, which is very high human development.. The life expectancy for Cuban’s is 77.87 yrs. The Cuba flag (above) and the capital building (below)
How they compare CUBA & DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Cuba and the Dominican Republic are both in the Carribean/West Indies. Christopher Columbus discovered both places and claimed them as Spanish territories. The Dominican Republic is the second largest country after Cuba that is in the West Indies. Both countries have a large population of mixed people. Both countries have mostly a Roman Catholic religion. The language spoken for both is Spanish. This is probably because the Spaniards discovered both countries. The biggest difference is that Cuba has a communist government and the Dominican Republic has a democracy like the United States.
Denmark Joel The main population that occupies Denmark is Belgium at an 80% occupation percentage with German at 60% and 40% asian. The GDP per capita for Denmark is 43,400 and the capital is copenhagen. The government is hereditary monarchy, and the main spoken language in Denmark is German, and the median life expectancy is 84 years of age and they have a 99% percent literacy rate with no gap. The HDI is 0.911 (The capitol building in denmark)
Canada This country was founded 1867 and has experienced no civil war yet, has had many civil disputes in the earlier years of its foundation. The capital of Canada is ottawa and the main government system is a parliamentary democracy and 17.2 percent of the population is natural born citizens of canada and the rest of the population is from other countries. The gdp per capita is 51,910.82 for 2014. The median life expectancy is 45 years of age. With a literacy rate of 99% The HDI is 0.90000000000000000000 -Joel Ortiz
comparison (gdp per capita canada) (GDP per capita for Denmark) The literacy rate in both countries are the same with literally no gap between genders and the life expectancy of people who live in Denmark is double the amount of the life expectancy in Canada. Both countries are in the north, and both were founded by european and Asian settlers but as time passed Denmark changed their currency and created a similar government to the United Kingdom, while Canada has a parliamentary democracy Similar that of the United States of America. The HDI for Canada is 0.9111 while the HDI for Denmark is 0.90000. Which is the Human Development Index which is made by the United Nations. (gdp per capita canada) (GDP per capita for Denmark)
Map Of North America
Sources: Francesco, Jalen, and Joel’s sources: