Fill in the blanks on your note. Computer Software Fill in the blanks on your note.
Computer Software Computer Software: Software Program: It is tangible. You can not touch it. Software Program: A set of instructions which have been created in a specific order, are designed to interact with data, and will get a desired result from the computer.
Three Basic Types of Software Firmware Permanent software program built into the computer (machine language) System software Includes: Language processor Operating system (Windows) Utility programs Application software
Application Software in more detail These programs are written to allow an end-user to perform a specific task Specialty programs written to do such tasks are: Running financial statements Printing invoices Ordering parts Scheduling dental visits
Common Software Programs Word Processing Input and manipulate text MS Word Spreadsheet Input and manipulate data MS Excel
Common Software Programs Database Input and manipulate related data MS Access Desktop Publishing Input and manipulate graphics and text MS Publisher
Common Software Programs Presentation Assist with presentation … this is one MS PowerPoint, Prezi Web Development Allows users to develop websites Weebly, Dreamweaver
Common Software Programs Internet Browser Allows users to view websites Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox Communication Facilitates communication among computers Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird
Common Software Programs Utility Maintain your computer to run better Example: Anti-virus software Entertainment Games for fun!
The End