Overview We operate across the North West and own and manage 35,000 homes Bolton one of our biggest local authority areas We have an office in Town Centre We provide a mixture of homes for sale, shared ownership and rent Ambitious growth plan
Investing in Bolton Planned works programme: - 228 new kitchens - 88 new boilers - 155 properties will benefit from cyclical painting Sheltered and Supported housing review Sell empty office on Silverwell Lane Development Support masterplanning process in Farnworth, Westhoughton and Little Lever and explore opportunities that would supplement our existing stock in these areas
We take a Neighbourhood Management approach Neighbourhood Plans and local offers for our 4 Bolton neighbourhoods Quarterly Review and Commissioning to report on progress, feedback to customers and agree future actions Intensive management of town centre schemes ‘This Is How We Manage Tenancies’ –our person centred housing management
Some of our Community Activities Pungle playspace – Natural playspace to be built on empty land at the on the Pungle in Westhoughton Boxing in Westhoughton – Working with Metro Boxing to identify a venue for a boxing club in the neighbourhood Peer Navigator role – Funded new Peer Navigator role in Farnworth for the next 18 months Little Lever youth project – Supporting the set up of a youth project for under 13’s in Little Lever Works For Me Project – Support Bolton customers into work and training
Onward Living – our affordable homeownership brand launched in April
A leading provider of quality affordable homes across the North West