AICHE Contest Week 3 Last Lecture Terry A Ring Chemical Engineering University of Utah
Questions for the week What number density of cells in the production reactor? Since Mab production is given as 25 pgm/cell/day, what would you recommend? The cell concentration has a large effect on the size of the production reactor(s). The cell concentration has a large effect on the throughput and size of the separation system that follow production. What selling price should I use? See data in Table on p. 12 of the problem statement “Demand similar to Avastin” “produce your product at current titers of 1-2 gm/L as well as 5-10 gm/L” My CapEx is $X, My OpEx is $Y, are these in the ball park? I cannot really answer this question. You might want to look at this in terms of Drug Price compare to others in Table on p 12 Profit Can you have too much profit? Company Turnover or annual cash flow “2/3 of biopharmaceuticals come from companies with revenues less than $1 Billion”
Questions What do I use to design for Protein A chromatography Simple equilibrium Keq=Cmab_Fluid/CMab_Solid Mass Transfer Limited adsorption dC/dt = kc(C-C*) = kc(Cmab_Fluid-Keq*CMab_Solid) kc = Mass Transfer coefficient determined from NSh NRe correlation for packed bed Flow rate (or velocity) recommended by resin supplier Ion exchange equation for breakthrough curve Cmab_Fluid= f(z,t) in Mass Transfer book CMab_Solid(t,z) t=10 s t=1000 s z distance in bed Cmab_Fluid(t,L) Breakthrough Curve 10 s Time 0 s 1000 s
Question Do I need to put into the report the sequential batch Gantt chart? Yes, put it in section 7 of the report. Product waste requires “kill tanks.” Do I have to design and cost them? Yes Please do not forget the Media Prep and Buffer Prep - tanks mixers and pumps as well as sterile water prep for these.
Questions Do I need a mass balance in this report? Yes, It should appear in Section 6 of the report with the process flow diagram (The text in section 6 should describe both). It should be based upon the flow diagram – last page of Problem Statement Please do not forget you losses along the separation train. What goes into the Energy Balance in Section 8 of the report? Every unit has an energy demand (and raw material demand) for is part of its operating cycle (reaction, draining, rinsing, steam cleaning, draining, filling). Table of Utility Requirements
Questions Our report is much less than the max pages. What length of report will meet your expectations? 100 page max. for the body of the report – Note: this is a maximum not a minimum. Your report must be long enough to explain your design to another engineer without ambiguity. Tell your story well and you are done. Do not worry about the pages it takes to do that. What information would and would not go on the equipment data sheets? Sheets for major pieces of equipment only. Major equipment is elucidated byL significant cost. Major is also what is requested by problem statement in the process description. Something(s) for each of the sections in the process description