Finding CALM Locating Open Education Resources
Introductions Name Department Course(s) you teach
$ Guess? What’s the new, hardcover price of the most expensive textbook ordered in spring ‘19? $405.25
OER – not just free, but free with permissions! Any copyrightable work that is licensed in a manner that provides users with free and perpetual permission to engage in the 5R activities: These rights are usually granted by Creative Commons licensing.
Creative Commons Licenses
Creative Commons Licenses
Creative Commons Licenses
Some needles are easier to find than others
Pyramid Strategy Media Supplemental materials articles, websites, primary sources Core Materials CSUSM ebooks OER texts Public Domain/Government
But First…………….. Go: Download and save a copy of the OER Resource Tracking document, or replicate in your favorite app Optional - download and save this Powerpoint: Finding Resources Fill out the OER Resources document as you search. TIP If you create an account at MERLOT, OER Commons and other sites, you can save all your potential resources for further review later. Use the same username and password for every site. Example: Your CSUSM username and the name of your course.
Step One : Library ebooks Visit the CSUSM Librarian’s curated list for your discipline at: Results vary by discipline
STEP1: Library ebooks Log in to save your results Click Advanced Search
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Narrow to books with unlimited access ProQuest ebrary collection – 115,000 ebooks ACLS Humanities e-Books DOAB Directory of Open Access Books
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STEP 2: OER Textbooks-cool4Ed Check for eTextbook Reviews eventually will have reviews for texts associated with the top 50 courses. Link to book detail & access Click a name to see review
Results are in MERLOT II Create an MERLOT account to bookmark Check other users collections
Check the Find/ Free and Open eTextbooks
STEP 3: MERLOT Check other libraries
STEP 3: Other OER Repositories
STEP 4: Media
STEP 5: Public Domain
Bonus: Google Advanced Search For government docs - .gov or education - .edu For Creative Commons
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