The New Student Profile and Corresponding Compass Forms
Student Profile Self-Service pages are being transformed Information currently on the Advisor dashboard is available in the new Student Profile Advisor view matches the student view
Student Profile: Where to Find it in Howdy
Student Profile: Where to Find it in Compass Click on the Applications button to expand.
Student Profile: Where to Find it in Compass Select “Student Profile” from the list.
Search Options: ID, Email, or Name ID accepts UIN or T-Number Search for students by their UIN, T-number. Or search by email address or name. A link to the last student viewed in the Student Profile provides a way to quickly return to their Student Profile. 111001111 Kyle Fields
Student Profile: Curriculum and Courses The Student Profile has many pieces of student information available At the top right, counters display information for Holds and Time Tickets. On the top row, student statistics are listed. To view a student’s registration time ticket for the term, click on “Registration Notices”. To view a student’s active holds, click on “Holds”. A flag next to “Holds” indicates how many holds a student has. The left-hand column contains the student’s id image, links to navigate within the Student Profile and links to pages outside the Student Profile. The right-hand column has multiple panels which may be expanded to view student information.
Student Profile: Curriculum and Courses The Student Profile has many pieces of student information available At a quick glance, you can see the overall hours, cumulative GPA, and current graphic schedule. At the top right, counters display information for Holds and Time Tickets. On the top row, student statistics are listed. To view a student’s registration time ticket for the term, click on “Registration Notices”. To view a student’s active holds, click on “Holds”. A flag next to “Holds” indicates how many holds a student has. The left-hand column contains the student’s id image, links to navigate within the Student Profile and links to pages outside the Student Profile. The right-hand column has multiple panels which may be expanded to view student information. There is also a link to the DPSS
Student profile: Term drop-down list To change the term being viewed, click on the Term above the student’s picture to expand a list of terms. Only terms which contain student registration, curriculum or graduation information are listed.
Student Profile: Registered Courses Graphic Schedule The Graphic Schedule displays by default. Courses without a meeting time do not display on the graphic schedule. Choose the “Schedule” tab to view all sections for which a student is registered. Clicking on the course number opens a section detail card.
Student Profile: Registered Courses Graphic Schedule The Graphic Schedule displays by default. Clicking on the course number opens a section detail card.
Student Profile: Registered Courses Detailed Schedule Choosing the “Schedule” tab displays a more detailed view of the registered courses. If a syllabus has been uploaded for the section, a link to it appears under the syllabus column. Clicking on the instructor’s name will open a Faculty card with directory contact information and a link to their Curriculum Vitae. When a student has federal aid, an additional column is displayed indicating if the courses are Faid eligible. The footer lists summary registration information including the total number of Faid eligible hours.
Student Profile: Registered Courses Detailed Schedule Choosing the “Schedule” tab displays a more detailed view of the registered courses. If a syllabus has been uploaded for the section, a link to it appears under the syllabus column. Clicking on the instructor’s name will open a Faculty card with directory contact information and a link to their Curriculum Vitae. When a student has federal aid, an additional column is displayed indicating if the courses are Faid eligible. The footer lists summary registration information including the total number of Faid eligible hours.
Student Profile: Student Information Expanding Student Information reveals Biographical Info, General Info, Graduate Committees and Graduation Applications. You can view the Unofficial Transcript Doctoral Hours and Terms { Expanding the Student Information panels reveals Biographical, General and Graduation Information about the student. There is a link to view an unofficial TAMU transcript. Doctoral students who have accumulated doctoral hours and terms have a Doctoral Hours and Terms section. All Graduate Committees will be listed in the Graduate Committee Members section. Current Graduation Applications and prior TAMU degrees are listed at the bottom of the panel. Graduate Committees { Active Graduation Applications and Previous TAMU degrees.
Student Profile: Curriculum, Hours & GPA Expanding Curriculum, Hours & GPA section displays Primary and Secondary curricula, plus Cumulative Hours and GPA. Choose the Secondary tab to view all additional curricula attached to the student. Expanding Curriculum, Hours & GPA section displays Primary and Secondary curricula, plus Cumulative Hours and GPA. Click on the Secondary tab to view all additional curricula attached to the student.
Student Profile: Other Links Available Each link above the line will open within the Student Profile. The links below the line will open a new browser tab.
Student Profile: Prior Education & Testing Clicking on ‘Prior Education and Testing’ will show previous schools attended from SOAPCOL and any test scores on record from SOATEST.
Student Profile: degree progress panel for undergraduates only
Previous Degrees in Compass: SOAPCOL
Previous degrees in compass: soapcoq
Test scores in compass: soatest
Committees in Compass: SHICMID
Committees in compass: shacomi
Non-Course Requirements in Compass: SHANCRS
Thesis/Dissertation Titles in Compass: SHAQPNO
Questions?? Contact Information: Compass Work Requests go to EIS Phone Number 845-6458 Campus Mail Stop 1119 Susan Leonberger & Andrea Reinertson