If you haven’t turned in homework do so for grading. Preparación Hoy es viernes , el 13 de noviembre de 2015 Today is Friday, November 13, 2015 DUE NOW: Send your slides to google classroom or to my email: mbillings@rafos.org If you haven’t turned in homework do so for grading.
Objectives/Objetivos SWBAT (students will be able to) Learn about Country Project Have name ready and make groups of 4-6 Turn in any homework you have not turned in IF you did not do the Day of the Dead Research on a holiday of Mexican tradition What is it? When is it celebrated? Why do they celbrated? How is it celebrated? Food, music and tradition
Final Country Project PART I Content : (you can include this information in both the poster and power point) Inform your audience on the following facts on your country: Population of the country Geographical features of the country. Show on a map of the country the following information: ocean or oceans that surround the country name of bordering countries 2 main rivers and 2 main mountain(s) 3 main cities including the capitol A picture of the flag or an outline of the country on the cover of the brochure Some historical information about the country (When did it become independent? Is there anything particularly unique about the country’s history?)
Final Country Project PART I Cultural information about the country Festival or holiday that is celebrated in that country Typical Food Typical music/ Typical dances Art/ or architecture Famous singer, dancer or athlete Information about famous cities and sites within the country (Are there any famous museums, parks, beaches, monuments, ruins, etc. in that country that people might be interested in visiting?) Language/s spoken Typical animal, bird or fish of country. Exotic fruits and flower.
PART II Decide upon a persuasive approach to convince your tourists to travel the country of your choice. The power point may include a video. Each group will have a power point presentation and can also display your poster, brochure or calendar for everyone to see. Presentations should last between 5 and 10 minutes. Perhaps we will have visitors.
Agenda 2:00 Do now. Turn in any homework you have not done. Show teacher slides. 2:05 Final Country Project explanation 2:10 Give name of country and group 2:15 Start research COME SEE ME IF YOU HAVE NOT TURNED HOMEWORK OR NEED TO TAKE A TEST
Due Date for Country Project December 8th
Homework Continue researching your project Write a short paragraph about the items asked. Show Mrs. Billings your progress.