Model for the regulation of HIPK2 activity and p53 phosphorylations by the ATM pathway. Model for the regulation of HIPK2 activity and p53 phosphorylations by the ATM pathway. DNA DSBs trigger activation of the DNA damage checkpoint kinase ATM. Activated ATM controls p53 phosphorylations through direct phosphorylation at Ser15. In addition, ATM controls p53 Ser20 and Ser46 phosphorylation indirectly by regulating the activity of Chk2 and HIPK2, respectively. p53 phosphorylated at Ser15, Ser20, and Ser46 activates proapoptotic target genes and triggers apoptosis. Ilka Dauth et al. Cancer Res 2007;67:2274-2279 ©2007 by American Association for Cancer Research