Conservatism Origins and Development By the 1820..opposition to the principles and the spirit of the 1789 Revolution During the industrialisation era, against liberalism, socialism and nationalism, conservatism defended traditional social order.
Central themes of Conservatism Suspicion of change, Resistance to change A negative philosophy Tradition: Values, practices and insttitutions that have ensured through time Religious faith- The traditions and practices as God given. Tradition for a feeling of rootedness Change as uncertainity and insecurity, so endangers our happiness
Human imperfection: Individuals desire security and belonging, so the social order is necessary Order ensures that human life is stable and predictable, and it provides security in an unpredictable world. conservatives are so pessimistic about human nature:Human beings are morally imperfect. The role of law is not to uphold liberty but to preserve order. Suspicious about abstract ideas and the systems of thought. Pragmatic approach to the world: tradition, experience and history.
Organic society Margaret Thatcher: There is no such thing as society, only individuals and their families Human beings are security seeking creatures and need to belong , to have ‘roots’ in society The individualcannot be seperated from society, it is part of the social groups that nurtures her/himsuch as family, friends, local community, nation.. Freedom is a willing acceptance of social obligations and ties by individuals who recognize their value.
Hierarchy and Authority Society is naturally hierarchical, characterized by fixed or established social gradations. Social equaility is rejected as undesirable and unachiavable. Power, status and property are distributed unequally. İnequalty is an inevitable feature of organic society. There must be leaders and there must be followers Authority like society develops naturally. Authority can only be imposed from above Authority is rooted in the nature of society and all social institutions.
Authority is neccessary and beneficial since everyone