SESSION 10.2 Observer Database Systems Master Observer Trip List Seventh Tuna Data Workshop (TDW-7) 15-19 April 2013 SPC, Noumea, New Caledonia
Presentation Outline Brief Background CMM Data Reporting obligations – CMM-2008-01 VMS and Observer Trip Reconciliation Plan Works
Brief Background SPC-OFP as Data Management provider to WCPFC has number of CMM Data Reporting obligations i.e. CMM 2008-01 [Bigeye and Yellowfin Tuna] that requires 100% observer coverage on PS fisheries and 5% on LL fisheries in WCPO (Convention Area). Using VMS dataset (VMS Trips) to determine the actual fishing trip in each EEZ. Regional / National Observer Programmes need to inform SPC-OFP of ALL observer trip placements Consolidate Master list of ALL observer trips conducted in the region regardless of whether data has been provided or not.
CMM Data Reporting – CMM2008-01 PS ROP Observer Data for 2010 & 2011 Provisional PS Observer Trips in 2010 & 2011
Estimated PS Observer Trips in 2010 & 2011
VMS and Observer Trips Reconciliation VMS Trips are reconciled with Observer Trips To identify the missing observer trip data (Data Gap) - To determine the observer coverage by program / fleet in a Year Reconciliation outcomes VMS Trips reconciled with observer trips VMS Trips NOT reconciled with an observer trips (missing trips) - Observer trip NOT reconciled with VMS trip VESSEL DETAILS VMS TRIPS OBSERVER TRIPS vessel_id vessel_name flag gear start_date end_date trip_days start_port end_port tripcode staff_code first_name last_name nationality dep_date ret_date sea_days dep_port ret_port obsprg_code 34974 KOO'S 108 MH S 17-Jul-11 19-Aug-11 33 MAJURO WWB 11-04 WWB WILLIAM WEILBACHER FM 20-Aug-11 35 FMOB 24-Aug-11 05-Oct-11 42 AEZ 11-04 AEZ ALI EZEKIAH 25-Aug-11 09-Oct-11 06-Nov-11 28 12-Nov-11 20-Dec-11 38 SVP 11-05 SVP STEVE PETER 25-Dec-11 23-Jan-12 29
Plan Works Import data from OPM, TUBS & Data Registry into Master Observer Trip List database. Reconcile Master Observer Trip List database with VMS Trips Produce the required CMM Data Reports and submit to WCPFC