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Presentation transcript:


In Him All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge All you need, therefore, to be wise Believers are firmly rooted and built up Therefore, spend time in the Word to grow All fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form Therefore, you need nothing else to be complete/filled.

circumcision Without hands to remove the body of flesh Took place at salvation Gen. 17 Sign of the everlasting covenant God made with Abraham and his descendants Lev. 12 On the 8th day after birth Deut. 30 God will circumcise your heart Rom. 2 It is of the Spirit, not by the letter Phil. 3 Beware of the false circumcision

baptism “baptisma”: a dipping or sinking. It is a result of sincere repentance. The inner work of salvation. Identification with the death and resurrection of Christ through faith. “A person does not die unto sin BECAUSE he is baptized in water, but BEFORE he is baptized. This dying to sin can only take place as the Holy Spirit works in the heart of a sinner and causes him to be justified by Christ through faith and makes him just. (Zod.)

Romans 6:1-11 circumcision Associated with death & resurrection: Christ’s AND the believer’s It’s purpose is for us to walk in newness of life The body of sin is done away with “Done away with”: rendered inoperative Colossians says we were made alive with Him and forgiven ALL our transgressions (2:13)

Transgressions and sin Transgressions: “paraptoma”- a false step, a falling away, lapse, slip, sin, fall away after being close-beside, a lapse from the truth, a deviation from truth and uprightness. Sin: “hamartia” – literally, a missing of the mark. It is not originated or empowered by God (not of faith) and not His inworked persuasion. Missing the true end and scope of our lives, which is God. (Zod.)

Cross references Jam. 4:17 Knowing the right thing to do, and not doing it, is sin I John 5:17 Unrighteousness/wrongdoing Rom. 14:23 Whatever is not from faith I John 3:4 Lawlessness Eph. 2 I formerly walked according to this world in my trespasses and sin

How did forgiveness come about? Eph. 2 But GOD…… Rom. 6 Old self was crucified. Believers are freed from sin, no longer slaves to it 2 Cor. 5:21 Jesus was made sin for me Col. 2:14 My certificate of debt was nailed to His cross. God took it out of the way John 12:31 Satan will be cast out Heb. 2 Jesus rendered Satan powerless

What does that mean for me? Eph. 1 If Christ is seated in the heavenly places, so am I Col. 2:15 Since Christ is fullness of Deity, is head over all rule and authority, and God has disarmed them, they have no power over me Col. 2:16 Since Christ is the substance and not the shadow, no one is to act as my judge regarding “days” or “diet”

Cross references Lev. 11 List of what the Law said was allowed Mark 7 Jesus said ALL food was clean Ex. 20 Sabbath was set apart by God Mark 2 Jesus is ruler; even of the Sabbath. It was made for man, not man for the Sabbath I Chron. 23 Yearly, monthly and weekly holy times in the Law, set apart to God Gal. 4 Don’t turn back to these things!

Cross references I Tim. 4 In later times, some will fall away paying attention to deceitful spirits, doctrines Heb. 8 & 10 The Law cannot make anyone perfect but Jesus put His law on our hearts Why the Law then? Gal. 3:19 It defined sin and defined God’s requirement for holiness

Colossians 2:18-19 “Let no one keep defrauding you of your prize” Katabrabeuo: to give judgment against. Used of an umpire in a contest. Depriving, discouraging and misleading the believer, diverting them from their full potential for receiving their unique glorification. The full impact of resurrection. (only use in Scripture)

Self abasement and angels “Self-abasement”: asceticism/false humility Worship of angels: Gal. 3 Angels were involved with the giving of the Law Heb. 1 Jesus is greater than all the angels Gal. 1 If even an angel preaches another gospel, he is to be accursed Rom. 8 Not even an angel can separate us from God’s love I Cor. 6:3 We will judge angels

visions Col. 2:18 Arrogance based on something one has seen Col. 2:19 Standing on that, rather than holding fast to the Head, which is Christ Deut. 13 False dreamers were to be stoned Joel 2/Acts 2 Some visions are from the Lord 2 Cor. 12 Paul had visions, but did not boast If the vision does not lead to the Head: False

growth Col. 2:19 Holding fast to the Head, results in growth from God. The entire body/church is supplied and knit together in Him. Eph. 4 Spiritual gifts are given to the body for service and the building up of the body so that we are NOT carried away by every wind of doctrine, trickery of men and craftiness We are to grow up in Him, in all respects

Colossian 2:20-23 How can one who has died to the elementary principles now submit to its decrees? Answer to legalism: spiritual reality we have in Christ (not a shadow) Answer to mysticism: spiritual union with Christ, the Head of the church Answer to asceticism: our position in Christ in death, burial and resurrection. “Wiersbe”