Lifelong Activity
I. Physiological Benefits Cardiac efficiency Blood pressure - 35% lower in active people Increased Metabolism Longevity Respiratory efficiency Increased immunity Improved body composition
II. Psychological Benefits Stress reduction Self-esteem Social benefits Reduction of depression
III. Domains of Physical Fitness Strength Flexibility Muscular Endurance Cardio-respiratory endurance Body Composition
IV. Types of exercise Aerobic exercise - exercise that requires oxygen to meet the energy demands. Distance running Swimming laps Anaerobic exercise - intense activity where the muscles produce energy without using oxygen. Weight lifting Sprinting
V. Overload - working the body harder than normal. VI. Progression - Gradually increasing overload. VII. Specificity - Exercises need to be specific to what needs to be improved.
VIII. F.I.T.T. Principle Frequency - How often you exercise Intensity - How hard you exercise Time - How long you exercise Type – Aerobic or Anaerobic
IX. Workout Stages Warm-up - increasing circulation through slow, fluid motions. Conditioning - Segment of workout that develops endurance or strength. Cool-down - Tapering-off period after completion of conditioning period.