1920s Advertisments
The Birth of Consumerism Using new techniques and psychological research, advertisers able to sell more products to more Americans Ads focused on the desires and fears of Americans more than needs Advertisers celebrated consumption; be the person you wanted to be just by buying the right product!
Marketing Techniques Bandwagon – Everyone who is anyone is buying this product; don’t be the only one without it! Don’t be left out! Testimonial – Important, well-known, and/or apparently “qualified” people testify that they use the product and so should you. Statistics – Facts and figures are used to impress a consumer, even if the statistics are manipulated and/or have little or no meaning. Sensory Appeal – Sounds or pictures that appeal to the senses are featured to promote the product.
Marketing Techniques Humor – People tend to remember an advertisement if it makes them laugh (or feel good) and may purchase a product due to the positive association with it. Transfer – Pop-culture celebrities, famous athletes, beautiful people and/or other “icons” are linked with products. Advertisers hope consumers will transfer “star” qualities to the product (and to themselves) by purchasing the item. Nostalgia – Plain-folks, preferring back-to-nature, just the way grandma used to make it, back in the good old days; simple.
Examine the Ads For each advertisement… What technique(s) are used? What are the implications? Why (why not) is the ad effective?