Bath application of MEK inhibitor U0126 impairs PTP expression in B2-B2 soma pairs. Bath application of MEK inhibitor U0126 impairs PTP expression in B2-B2 soma pairs. (A-C) Time courses of EPSP amplitude changes in 50 μM U0126-treated (A) and DMSO-treated (B) synapses. In U0126-treated synapses tested 15 or 30 minutes after inhibitor application, the expression of PTP is significantly impaired (P<0.001 vs control during the first minute after the tetanus, Bonferroni's post-hoc test), whereas no significant changes are observed in vehicle-treated synapses. After U0126 washout, PTP expression returns to pre-treatment level, indicating a fast reversibility of the effect. (D) Bar graph of the EPSP amplitudes measured at 30 seconds after tetanus. Values are normalized to the mean peak PTP amplitude measured before the treatment in each group. (E,F) Bar graphs of mean pre-tetanic EPSP amplitudes in U0126-treated (E) or DMSO-treated (F) synapses reveal no significant effects of the treatment. Values represent means ± s.e.m. ***P<0.001. Carlo Natale Giuseppe Giachello et al. J Cell Sci 2010;123:881-893 © 2010.