June 2019 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [HRP MAC comment resolutions] Date Submitted: [19 June, 2019] Source: [Zheda Li (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Jack Lee (Samsung)] Abstract: [Presentation, HRP MAC, Multi-node Ranging IEs, Message Sequence Charts] Purpose: [Consider to be included in the 4z spec] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Zheda Li, Samsung
HRP MAC comment resolutions June 2019 HRP MAC comment resolutions Zheda Li, Samsung
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> June 2019 Overview Revised IEs for Multi-node Ranging Merged Ranging IEs Ranging Procedure: Message Sequence Chart Zheda Li, Samsung <author>, <company>
Revised IEs for Multi-node Ranging June 2019 Revised IEs for Multi-node Ranging Zheda Li, Samsung
Ranging Device Management IE (RDM IE) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> June 2019 Ranging Device Management IE (RDM IE) Merge RS IE and RIRL IE in P802.15.4z-D1 Scheduling Info Present (SIP) field with value 1 An element of RDM Table: Scheduling Info Present (SIP) field with value 0 Bits: 1 7 Variable SIP RDM Table Length RDM Table Bits: 1 7 Octets: 2/8 Device Type Slot Index Address Bits: 1 7 Octets: 2/8 Device Type Reserved Address Zheda Li, Samsung <author>, <company>
Ranging Contention Phase Structure IE (RCPS IE) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> June 2019 Ranging Contention Phase Structure IE (RCPS IE) Revise size of Slot Index field to be 7 bits An element of Contention Phase (CP) Table Control values of the Phase Indicator field Octets: 1 Variable CP Table CP Table Length Bits: 2 7 Phase Indicator Slot Index to Start Slot Index to End Value Meaning 00 The phase is used for initiators to contend. 01 The phase is used for responders to contend. Others Reserved Zheda Li, Samsung <author>, <company>
Advanced Ranging Control IE (ARC IE) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> June 2019 Advanced Ranging Control IE (ARC IE) Revise ARC IE Definitions of fields: 15-19-0253-00-004z The presence of last three fields can be determined by the IE length Length of content fields is 2-octet: not present; Length of content fields is 5-octet: Ranging Block Duration field is present Length of content fields is 6-octet: Ranging Block Duration and Ranging Round Duration fields are present Length of content fields is 8-octet: All three fields are present Bits: 2 2 1 6 Octets:0/3 0/1 0/2 Multi-node Mode Ranging Method STS Packet Config Schedule Mode Deferred Mode Time Structure Indicator RCM Validity Rounds Reserved Ranging Block Duration Ranging Round Duration Ranging Slot Duration Zheda Li, Samsung <author>, <company>
June 2019 Merged Ranging IEs Zheda Li, Samsung
Ranging Request Measurement IE (RRM IE) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> June 2019 Ranging Request Measurement IE (RRM IE) RRM IE is used in the RFRAME to request certain information from one or more ERDEVs RRM IE content field format An element of RRM Table Length of the RRM IE determines the presence of RRM Table One octet: RRM Table Length and RRM Table are not present More than one octet: RRM Table Length and RRM Table are present Reserved bits can be used as control bits to indicate “state” of the RFRAME: Bit 5-6 Bit: 0 1 2 3 4 5-7 Octets: 0/1 0/Variable Reply Time Request Round-trip Measurement Request ToF request AoA Azimuth Request AoA Elevation Request Reserved RRM Table Length RRM Table Octets : 0/2/8 Address Value Meaning 00 This RFRAME is initiating the SS-TWR 01 This RFRAME is responding to the ranging initiation message of SS-TWR 10 This RFRAME is initiating the DS-TWR 11 This RFRAME is continuing the DS-TWR, and initiating the seconding round measurement Zheda Li, Samsung <author>, <company>
Ranging Request Measurement IE (RRM IE) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> June 2019 Ranging Request Measurement IE (RRM IE) Reply Time Request (RTR) field denotes whether the reply time of ERDEV sending response to the message with RRM IE is requested: if RTR value is one, the reply time is requested, otherwise it is not. Round-trip Measurement Request (RMR) field indicates whether the round-trip measurement of ERDEV upon receiving message with RRM IE is requested: if RMR value is one, the round-trip measurement is requested, otherwise it is not. Following bit-fields for ToF request (TOFR), AoA Azimuth Request (AAR), and AoA Elevation Request (AER) denote whether time-of-flight (ToF), azimuth AoA, elevation AoA are requested or not: if a bit-field of request has value one, the corresponding information is requested, otherwise it is not. Zheda Li, Samsung <author>, <company>
Ranging Measurement Info IE (RMI IE) <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> June 2019 Ranging Measurement Info IE (RMI IE) RMI IE content field format An element of RMI Table Address Present (AP) field controls the presence of Address field in the RMI Table If AP=1, Address field of each element is present If AP=0, Address field of each element is not present Bit 1-5: indicators of certain information to report Deferred Mode field: If value is one, this is a deferred data message to report measurements associated with the most recent ranging cycle If value is zero, this measurement report is embedded in an RFRAME Bit: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Octets: 1 Variable Address Present Reply Time Present Round-trip Measurement Present ToF Present AoA Azimuth Present AoA Elevation Present Deferred Mode Reserved RMI Table Length RMI Table Octets: 0/4 0/4 0/2 0/2/8 RX-to-TX-Reply-Time TX-to-RX Round-trip Time ToF AOA Azimuth AOA Elevation Address Zheda Li, Samsung <author>, <company>
Ranging procedure: Message Sequence Chart <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> June 2019 Ranging procedure: Message Sequence Chart One-to-many SS-TWR Zheda Li, Samsung <author>, <company>
Ranging procedure: Message Sequence Chart <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> June 2019 Ranging procedure: Message Sequence Chart One-to-many DS-TWR Zheda Li, Samsung <author>, <company>