Cold Atom project 12/02/2019
Motivation Cold single atoms are clean Quantum systems Indistinguishable atoms have the same precise frequencies Internal quantum states addressed with narrowband lasers Arrays of trapped atoms with neighbouring interactions can be a platform for quantum simulations arXiv:1603.04603v1
Introduction Magneto Optically Trapped cold Cesium atoms in a Ultra High Vacuum Chamber. Combination of laser Doppler cooling and magnetic field gradient ~105 cesium atoms trapped Laser beams Magnetic field coils
Measuring Temperatue from time of Flight Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution t Laser beam
Fit to get Gaussian waist (σ) t=0 ms t=5 ms Intensity (A.U.) Intensity (A.U.) Pixels Pixels
Initial temperature from expansion
Intensity and detuning dependence
Electric Quadrupole Motivation Dipole forbidden Natural decay mainly from 5D5/2 6P3/2 H= 𝑒𝒓.𝑬 −𝑒𝑸 : 𝜵𝑬 + …
Laser for electric quadrupole transition