The six-station custom wear testing apparatus used to conduct all the fatigue testing reported in this study. The six-station custom wear testing apparatus used to conduct all the fatigue testing reported in this study. (A) The main load cell used to measure the total compressive load across all six stations. (B) The load cell used to measure the loads in each test station. (C) The bottom test station assembly used to mount a lower platen as well as the heater used to maintain test station fluids at 37°C. (D) The lower platform of the testing machine, which has the capability to rotate about its longitudinal axis. (E) The upper platform, which is attached to the actuator of the servo-pneumatic material testing machine. (F) The frame of the servo-pneumatic materials testing machine (Smart Test series SP 12600, Bose Corporation, Eden Prairie, Minnesota). Anthony Tsantrizos et al. Int J Spine Surg 2008;2:28-39 Copyright SAS - Spine Arthroplasty Society 2008