Regulatory-compliant smart contracts and security token exchanges
What is Utility token?
Stocks, bond, real estate, ip, etc What is Security token? Stocks, bond, real estate, ip, etc
Utility or Security
~$250 trillion worth market for securities compare with $0.4 trillion – all crypto $8 trillion – all gold
*This information is not a legal advice. US securities laws exemptions To offer securities without needing to register the offering with the SEC Regulation D: Using a combination of exemptions offered by Reg D Section 506(c), Section 4(a)(7), and Rule 144, issuers can offer unregistered security tokens, but only to US accredited investors and to non-US investors (using Regulation S). 1 year lock-up, after which US accredited investors are allowed to sell them to anyone. Regulation CF allows a company to issue unregistered security tokens to both accredited and non-accredited US investors. However, the total amount that an issuer can raise using Reg CF is capped at $1m over a 12 month period. Regulation A is an exemption from registration for public offerings. Regulation A has two offering tiers: Tier 1, for offerings of up to $20 million in a 12-month period; and Tier 2, for offerings of up to $50 million in a 12-month period. For offerings of up to $20 million, companies can elect to proceed under the requirements for either Tier 1 or Tier 2. *This information is not a legal advice.
Smart Contract
Investor Accreditation
LockUp Period
Patent Pending Technology Sending and receiving tokens only for specific addresses. I
Tokensale products Sending and receiving tokens only for specific addresses. I
Decentralized Exchange for securities Decentralized Exchange for securities
Utility tokensale platform Crypto Wallet Utility tokensale platform Sending and receiving tokens only for specific addresses. I
Multi-sig cold storage for ERC20 tokens for business AmbiVault Multi-sig cold storage for ERC20 tokens for business Sending and receiving tokens only for specific addresses. I
What is next? Mature crypto market Johnny Kartakov Managing partner Contacts Johnny Kartakov Managing partner Sending and receiving tokens only for specific addresses. I